1.1.1 Reliability
Reliability is the most important design goal for Uninterruptible Power Systems. All Liebert 3-Phase
UPS systems have demonstrated reliability by achieving a field-proven critical bus MTBF in excess of
one million hours. In addition, our Quality Assurance program is certified to the requirements of ISO
9001 standards.
Liebert UPS systems are ETL listed to the requirements of UL 1778, CSA Certified and (when appli-
cable) CE marked. All equipment and components are manufactured to applicable UL, NEC, IEC,
EN, NEMA, ANSI, IEEE, EN50091-1, EN50091-2 and CSA standards and guidelines.
Designed For Success
The keys to reliability in the design of the UPS system are using conservatively rated components,
minimizing transfers to bypass, making operator controls understandable, and providing easy access
for maintenance and repair. Liebert UPS systems lead the industry in all these areas.
For example, the Npower can clear substantial overloads through the solid state static bypass switch
without transferring to the bypass source. By minimizing transfers to bypass, the Npower mini-
mizes operation of electrical components and enhances system reliability.
As mentioned above, the system control logic has been packaged into Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)
to optimize system performance and eliminate the failure-prone discrete logic boards used in other
brands of UPS products. Furthermore, these DSPs are isolated from heat-generating components to
ensure optimal operating temperatures.
Factory Backup and Service Assistance
Reliability depends on more than just UPS module design. Improper installation can cause any sys-
tem to fail. To prevent this, service technicians from Liebert Global Services thoroughly inspect the
installation of all our systems to ensure they are installed properly and operating within performance
Once a UPS is properly installed, you -- the on-site equipment operator -- are the most important fac-
tor in preventing critical bus failures or unplanned transfers to bypass. To make your task easier, the
UPS provides easy-to-follow, prompted instructions on its operator display screen.
If you ever need help, call your Liebert distributor or sales representative. Your attention to proper
installation, operation, and periodic maintenance will ensure that your mission-critical operations
receive the best possible protection from electrical disturbances and outages.
1.1.2 Versatility
The Npower has a number of features and options that can be customized to your specific needs. See
1.5 - Options for details. Visit the battery manufacturer’s Web site for information on obtaining the
manual if you don’t already have it.
1.2 Safety Precautions
Read this manual thoroughly, paying special attention to the sections that apply to you, before work-
ing with the UPS. Also read the battery manufacturer's manual before working on or near the bat-
Under typical operation and with all UPS doors closed, only normal safety precautions are necessary.
The area around the UPS system and battery should be kept free from puddles of water, excess mois-
ture, or debris.
Special safety precautions are required for procedures involving handling, installation, and mainte-
nance of the UPS system or the battery. Observe precautions in the separate Installation Manual
before handling or installing the UPS system. Observe precautions in 4.0 - Maintenance of this
manual before and during performance of all maintenance on the UPS or battery.
This equipment contains several circuits that are energized with high voltage. This is particularly
true for oscilloscopes. Always check with an AC and DC voltmeter to ensure safety before making con-
tact or using tools. Even when the power is turned Off, dangerously high potentials may exist at the
capacitor banks. Observe all battery precautions when near the battery for any reason.