
Set Redial Interval (7)
Enter a number (0-99) representing the number of minutes
between redial attempts. Press Enter to return to the Modem
Setup menu.
Set Modem Messages (8)
Type Y(es) to enable, or N(o) to disable modem messages. If
enabled, all communications to the RCM8 are echoed to the
computer monitor, printer, or terminal connected to the EIA-
232 terminal port. This feature is useful to verify proper
modem operation. Press Enter to return to the Modem Setup
Set RCM8 Comm Check (9)
Enter the time (HH:MM) at which the RCM8 will send a
communications port check message. Type OFF to disable
this feature. If enabled, at the designated time, the RCM8
dials the RCM8 phone number (defined under Modem
Option 1) and transmits the date/time, Site ID, and the words
"COMM CHECK". Press Enter to return to the Modem
Setup menu.
Set PH 1 Comm Check (A)
Enable or disable the Phone Number 1 Comm check option
as described above. Press Enter to return to the Modem
Setup menu.
Set PH 2 Comm Check (B)
Enable or disable the Phone Number 2 Comm check option
as described above. Press Enter to return to the Modem
Setup menu.
Set Modem Init String (C)
This modem string is set correctly at the factory. Do not
change the Set Modem Init String.
Enable Modem Pass-Thru Mode (M)
This parameter lets you configure the modem through the
PC (if necessary). All of the modem commands are passed
through or displayed on the PC monitor.
3. When you are finished setting modem options, press Esc to
exit the Modem Setup menu and return to the Main Menu.
Changes made to this parameter are saved when you press
24 User Manual (7/99)