Touch Screen Display
User Settings
The User Settings choice allows you to adjust the user-accessible switch settings. Access is limited to
qualified personnel via system security.
To access the User Settings dialog box:
1. Select CONFIG.
2. Select USER SETTINGS from the pop-up menu.
The User Settings dialog box is displayed. See Figure 67. The top six buttons access a series of
secondary dialog boxes to configure the various settings.
Figure 67 User settings dialog box
Source Setpoints
The Source 1/2 Setpoints allows you to configure trigger points for each input source (1 or 2) for the
STS2/PDU via a keypad dialog or HI/LO dialog box. The source numbers do not designate the source
as the preferred or alternate source. The numbers simply identify the input source. See 10.2 - Man-
ual Transfer / Preferred Source Selection to set the preferred source.
The Setpoints are based on values in relation to the nominal voltage required for the STS2/PDU. UV
refers to under voltage, meaning the amount of voltage below the nominal voltage. OV refers to over
voltage or the amount of voltage over the nominal voltage.
• Fast UV Setting (%) — if the voltage drops below this set percentage of the nominal voltage, the
STS2/PDU transfers from the current source to the opposite source.
• Slow UV Setting (%) — if the voltage remains this set percentage below the nominal voltage for
the period of the slow detection delay, the STS2/PDU transfers from the current source to the
opposite source.
• Slow UV detection delay — the number of cycles that the source must remain below the Slow UV
Setting before the STS2/PDU transfers.
• OV Setting (%) — if the voltage exceeds this set percentage of the nominal voltage for the period
of the OV detection delay, the STS2/PDU transfers from the current source to the opposite source.
• OV Detection Delay — the number of cycles that the source must remain above the OV Setting
before the STS2/PDU transfers sources.
• I-PK Xfer Lockout — if current from the source exceeds this threshold, the STS2/PDU disables
source transfers and has to be reset either manually or automatically. The type of reset is config-
ured under the User Settings.