Alarm Descriptions and Solutions
SMOKE DETECTED—Activated when the Customer Input 1 is configured for “Smoke” and 24VAC
is applied to the input. This alarm is reset when the 24VAC is removed.
SUPPLY CW SENSOR FAILURE—Activated when the control no longer senses a signal from the
Supply CW sensor. This alarm will reset when the signal is returned.
SUPPLY REFRIGERANT SENSOR FAILURE—Activated when the control no longer senses a
signal from the supply refrigerant sensor. This alarm will reset when the signal is returned.
UNIT CODE MISSING—Activated when a valid unit code has not been entered and saved. To reset,
enter valid unit code, save and execute.
WATER UNDER FLOOR—Activated when Customer Input 1 is configured for “Water Alarm” and
24VAC is applied to the input. This alarm is reset when the 24VAC is removed.
6.2 Warning Descriptions
LOSS OF POWER—Activated when the unit is On and operational and 24VAC power to the control
is lost. This alarm will be emitted when power is restored to the control. The Liebert XDP will restart
at a user-defined time delay after power is restored. Once activated, the alarm will remain activated
for 30 minutes.
PUMP 1 HRS EXCEED—Activated when the Pump 1 Actual Hours exceeds the user-specified limit.
To reset, Actual Hours must be reset to 0.
PUMP 2 HRS EXCEED—Activated when the Pump 2 Actual Hours exceeds the user-specified limit.
To reset, Actual Hours must be reset to 0.
6.3 System Shutdown Causes
Unit Is Off By Refrig Sens Fail
The control has lost its signal from the refrigerant temperature sensor. The control has no way of
controlling the refrigerant temperature, so the unit is shut off. Main power (disconnect switch) must be
turned Off, then back On to clear this alarm.
Unit Is Off By High CW Temp
The entering chilled water temperature is too high to keep the refrigerant pump(s) running normally. If
a HIGH CW TEMP alarm occurs and the refrigerant pump loses flow (differential pressure), then the
Liebert XDP will go into a pre-chill mode. The Liebert XDP can attempt to start again only if the
entering chilled water temperature drops below the HIGH CW TEMP setpoint.
Unit Is Off By Pump Short Cycle
The control was unable to get a pump started upon startup or after a loss of differential pressure. The
control looks at the SHORT CYCLE time delay. If it cannot establish differential pressure within that
amount of time, the unit is shut down. Main power (disconnect switch) must be turned Off, then back
On to clear this alarm.
Unit Is Off By Low Refrig Temp
The control was unable to raise the refrigerant temperature to the calculated refrigerant temperature
control point. The unit is shut down because if the control cannot raise the refrigerant temperature to
the calculated refrigerant temperature control point, water may condense on the refrigerant piping and
receiving coils. Main power (disconnect switch) must be turned Off, then back On to clear this alarm.
This is not a room smoke detector and is not intended to replace external smoke detectors.