Low Profile – 1600 Series Advantage Digital Service Manual – Domestic
Oven control Check for 24 VAC supply to control. If no voltage is present,
trace wiring back to control transformer. If 24 VAC is present,
check for a read-out on the control display. If there is 24 VAC
supplied, but there is no read-out on the control display, replace
the oven control.
If there is a read-out on the control, set the control to maximum
temperature (see installation operations manual for temperature
adjustment). With the control set at maximum temperature,
check for 120 VAC at temperature regulation valve. If there is
voltage at the temperature regulation valve, proceed to
“temperature regulation valve” for next check. If there is no
voltage at the temperature regulation valve, trace wiring back to
the oven control. If there is no voltage output at the oven control,
Check the read-out on the control. If the control reads “LP FAIL”
or “RP FAIL”, this indicates that the thermocouple has failed or
has become disconnected from the control. “LP FAIL” indicates
a problem with the left thermocouple probe, and “RP FAIL”
indicates a problem with the right thermocouple probe.
Thermocouple Check to be sure that the thermocouple is securely connected to
the oven control. If the thermocouple is connected to the oven
control, and the control indicates “LP FAIL” or “RP FAIL”,
disconnect the thermocouple from the oven control and measure
the resistance of the thermocouple. The left thermocouple
should read approx. 21Ω. The right thermocouple should read
approx. 11Ω. If these readings are not achieved, replace the
thermocouple. If these readings are correct, proceed.
Oven control If the thermocouple checks good, but the oven control display
indicates that there is a thermocouple failure, replace the oven
control. If the oven control indicates a temperature reading but
the oven will not heat, proceed.
THE OVEN CONTROL: Measure the DC millivolt output of the
thermocouple. Refer to the thermocouple chart (located in the
“Removal” section of the manual) for proper millivolt readings. If
these readings are not achieved, replace thermocouple.
Oven control If the thermocouple checks good, but there is no 120VAC output
to the temperature regulation valve, replace the oven control. If
there is 120VAC output to the temperature regulation valve,
regulation valve.
Check for 120VAC supplied to temperature regulation valve. If
voltage is present, listen for valve to open and close. Also check
for opens or shorts in the operating coil. Replace temperature
regulation valve as needed.
Intermittent heating Thermal/overload of
main fan and burner
blower motors
The main fan motors and burner blower motors are equipped
with internal thermal protection and will cease to operate if
overheating occurs. As the motors overheat and then cool, this
will cause the heating systems to cycle on and off intermittently.
Improper ventilation or lack of preventive maintenance may
cause this problem. Also, most of the problem listed under
“Oven will not heat” can cause intermittent failure.
Conveyor will not run Power supply Check for incoming voltage at line 1 to neutral. There should be
a voltage reading of 120VAC. If not present, check circuit
Power switch Check continuity between switch terminals. Replace switch as
Fuse, 10 Amp Check, replace if necessary.
Fuse holder Check, replace if necessary.