• Last recorded speed and direction of the vehicle
• Time tag identifying when last position was taken
• Call-back phone number
After the transmission is complete, the call is forwarded to an operator
who will verify the details of the request and confirm the vehicle’s
location using a computerized map.
Information icon
The Information icon is provided for
customer information, such as
points of interest in your current
location, rout assistance and other
services as they become available.
There may be charges incurred for certain services.
Emergency (S.O.S) icon (emergency assistance)
The Emergency (S.O.S) control
should be selected if emergency
assistance is required. This feature
should be used:
• if you have been involved in an
• to report a crime or fire.
• when medical attention is required.
• to receive assistance in an emergency situation.
When this control is pressed, the Lincoln Security Response Center
relays details of your situation and your location to the United States
Auto Club (USAC) via three-way phone call. The response center/USAC
• dispatch the emergency help to your location.
• when appropriate, stay in direct phone contact with you until
emergency help arrives.
• notify pre-designated family contacts or friends of the emergency
situation, if requested, or if no response is received from the vehicle.
If you are certain of your location, a direct phone call to 911 or other
emergency services may provide a faster response.
Controls and features