Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide 69
Vertical Service Activation Codes (Star Codes)
Setting Regional Parameters
Vertical Service Activation Codes (Star Codes)
SPA9x2 phones support service activation codes, also known as star codes. The caller can enter
star codes (such as *21 for call forward, followed by the target number) to perform call features
such as call return, blind call transfers, call pickup, and so on. These codes can be handled
locally by the phone or to be sent to the network as an INVITE to the service provider.
This feature supports all services that can be activated on the phone.
NOTE: Some service providers choose to disable star codes. See ”Disabling/Deactivating
Services” section on page 73.
Call Back Delay Delay after receiving the first SIP 18x response before declaring the
remote end is ringing. If a busy response is received during this time, the
SPA9x2 still considers the call as failed and keeps on retrying.
Defaults to 0.5.
Interdigit Long Timer Long timeout between entering digits when dialing. The interdigit timer
values are used as defaults when dialing. The Interdigit Long Timer is used
after any one digit, if all valid matching sequences in the dial plan are
incomplete as dialed. Range: 0–64 seconds.
Setting this value high can result in a longer post dialing delay
(PDD), which is the time between the start of a call and the time
the phone starts ringing. A value that is too low can result in dialed
digits not being correctly recognized.
Defaults to 10.
Interdigit Short Timer Short timeout between entering digits when dialing. The Interdigit Short
Timer is used after any one digit, if at least one matching sequence is
complete as dialed, but more dialed digits would match other as yet
incomplete sequences. Range: 0–64 seconds.
Defaults to 3.