Chapter 1: Introduction
Wireless-G Presentation Player
Chapter 1: Introduction
Thank you for choosing the Wireless-G Presentation Player. This Presentation Player will allow you to play your
presentations wirelessly better than ever.
The versatile Linksys Wireless-G Presentation Player is the ultimate presentation tool. In the conference room, it
can act as a 54Mbps access point to your network, and also connects via a standard VGA connector to your
projector or monitor. Any wireless-equipped computer within range (and with permission) can take control of the
Player and project live screen images of any application running on the PC. Give presentations, review the
numbers in your spreadsheets, and collaboratively edit documents at up to 1024x768 resolution and 24-bit color.
For truly interactive meetings and brainstorming sessions, the Player allows any member of the wired or wireless
network group to take instant control of the projector, with no cable-swapping hassle. Go around the room for
status reports, or let the inspiration flow in an ad-hoc idea exchange. In a classroom setting, the Player allows a
teacher to unobtrusively supervise each students' progress without physically peeking over their shoulders.
The Wireless-G Presentation Player can also act as a stand-alone presentation device. Using the included utility,
upload your PowerPoint® presentations directly into the Player's 32 megabyte non-volatile memory or to your
own USB Memory Disk. Then leave your PC at home! Take the Player to the boardroom or your customer's site,
plug it into a projector or monitor, and run your presentation directly from the Player using the included infrared
wireless remote. It even includes a built-in laser pointer to help you hit the highlights.
As a wireless interactive meeting facilitator or as a stand-alone presentation tool, the Linksys Wireless-G
Presentation Player helps you get your point across.