
11. The script then asks seven yes/no questions about your experience with the installation process. After entering y (yes) or n (no)
in response to a question, press the <Return> key to move to the next question.
Although the use of the name Stratus is retained throughout the scripts, the references below pertain
to Lucent.
** Answer the following 7 yes/no questions to complete the data entry
portion of the install report. **
Was your Stratus system delivered when expected (yes/no)?
Did the hardware, software, and documentation received match
your order (yes/no)?
Were you able to properly prepare your environment using the Stratus
supplied Site Preparation documentation (yes/no)?
Were you able to successfully install your system by utilizing the
Stratus supplied product Installation documentation (yes/no)?
Were there any hardware installation problems (yes/no)?
Were there any software installation problems (yes/no)?
Would you like to add any general comments (yes/no)?
12. If you answered y (yes) to the final question in step 11, the script prompts you for your comments. Please enter your name after
your comments so that Lucent can contact the site if necessary. After the final comment, press the <Return> key, enter a dollar
sign ( $ ) on the new line, and then press the <Return> key again.
Enter general comments now.
(To end input, enter a line containing just a `$', then <return>).
The installation went well.
(your name) <Return>
$ <Return>
When you enter the dollar sign ( $), the script indicates that the report is complete.
End of interactive data input.
Creating the Install Report ...
Report Complete!
13. The script then prompts you to specify where to send the installation report. After entering a selection (1, 2, or 3), press the
<Return> key.
The following are the options available for providing Stratus
or a Distributor/VAR with an install report.
(1) Send via RSN to regional support HUB.
(Note: RSN must be installed)
(2) Mail via Internet.
(Note: Access to the Internet is required)
(3) Save to file in /tmp.
Enter Selection (1 2 3):
Chapter 6