Lumiscope Designer Professional Combo Kit with Sprague-Style Stethoscope 3
Inflating the cuff: Close the bulb’s air valve by turning the air
release valve clockwise. Squeeze the ination bulb at a steady rate
until the gauge’s needle points at approximately 30mmHg above
the individual’s normal systolic pressure value. If the individual’s
normal blood pressure is not known, it is recommended to inate to
Systolic blood pressure reading: Open the air release valve slowly
by turning it counter-clockwise while holding the diaphragm of the
stethoscope over the brachial artery. Proper deation rate is vital for
an accurate reading. The recommended deation rate is 2-3mmHg
per second, or a drop of one to two marks on the pressure gauge
with each heartbeat. Do not keep the cuff inflated any longer
than necessary. As the cuff begins to deate, listen carefully with
the stethoscope. Note the reading on the gauge as soon as a faint,
rhythmic tapping or thumping sound is heard. The rst sound is
the systolic pressure reading. Always check with your health care
provider to ensure readings are performed correctly.
Diastolic blood pressure reading: Allow the pressure to continue
dropping at the same deation rate. Note the reading on the gauge
when the last audible thumping, swishing, or blowing sound is heard;
this is the diastolic blood pressure reading. After a few seconds have
passed and no audible thumping, swishing, or blowing sounds are
heard, deate the cuff using the air release valve completely. Remove
the cuff and stethoscope from the arm.
Record the systolic and diastolic readings. Repeat the measurement
two or more times to ensure accuracy. Only a patient’s physician is
qualied to analyze blood pressure.
Recommended care and maintenance:
Do not drop or pull excessively on the blood pressure unit or stethoscope components.
Never inflate beyond 300mmHg.
Do not expose this product to direct sunlight.
Do not place this product in contact with sharp objects which could pierce the material and
cause damage.
Do not dismantle or disassemble this product.
Cleaning Wipe off the blood pressure unit, stethoscope and bulb with a clean,
damp cloth.
Wash the cuff with soap and cold water, rinse and air dry.
Storage Always deflate the cuff completely before storage.
Store the complete instrument in the provided storage case.