
D8B Manual • Appendices • page 171
Number D8B Button Mapped HUI Button
General HUI Layer
Comments Nuendo Function
Auto Enable Mute N
Automation Auto
Auto Mode Touch N
37 Automation Pan Auto Enable Pan N
Automation Trim
Auto Mode Trim N
39 Set Time Equals (=) Y
Won’t work with snap-
shot button pressed
Won’t work with snap-
shot button pressed
Won’t work with snap-
shot button pressed
Won’t work with snap-
shot button pressed
Toggles D8B snap-
shot recall mode.
40 SMPTE View F8/Esc Y
41 D8B Keypad HUI/D8B key pad Y/N
The key pad works
with D8B with snap-
shot button pressed
The Enter key works
with D8B with snap-
shot button pressed
The Store key works
with D8B with snap-
shot button pressed
42 Enter Enter Y/N
43 Loop Loop Y
44 Store In Y
Alt + Store Out Y
45 Locator Decimal (.) Y
Snapshot N/A Y
46 Rewind Rewind Y
Alt + Rewind RTZ
47 Fast Fwd Fast Forward Y
Alt + Fast Fwd End
48 Stop Stop Y
49 Play Play Y
50 Record Record Y
51 Jog & Shuttle Jog/Shuttle Select Y
52 Jog Wheel Jog Wheel Y
Other HUI Mode/HUI Layer Notes:
Channel HUI VFD Mode: HUI Layer VFD displays eight channel names in bottom line of VFD. First two VFD select buttons mirror the Channel L and Channel R functions. The name of the selected
channel/function is displayed in the center of the top VFD line. The Online status is also displayed at the end of this line.
Normal HUI VFD Mode: HUI Layer VFD displays the normal HUI VFD screen exactly as a real HUI would. The contents of the VFD depend on the DAW in use and other settings. See notes on the VFD above.
Global Mode: Global functions are always active when HUI Mode is on, no matter what D8B bank is active.
Non-global functions are active only when HUI Mode is On and the D8B is displaying the HUI Layer.
Type Nuendo Locate point number on Keypad. Press enter to store the number as a new locate point.
Press Locator to recall the numbered located point.
Press to set L Locator to current position
Toggle Nuendo Loop Playback
Type Nuendo Locate point number on Keypad. Press Locator to recall the numbered located point.
Press to enter D8B snapshot mode. Type a snapshot number and press Enter to recall a snapshot.
Press Store, type a number, and press Enter to store a snapshot. Exit snapshot mode by pressing Snapshot or Enter.
Rewind Nuendo transport
Return Nuendo locator to beginning of Session
Fast Forward Nuendo Transport
Stop Nuendo playback
Start Nuendo playback
Start Recording in Nuendo. Press during playback to punch into record; press again to punch out.
Control playback cursor position with wheel. Rewind or Fast Forward
53 Cut/Zero Set Cut N
Cut selection/event/part
54 Copy Copy N
Copy selection/event/part
55 Paste Paste N
Paste contents of clipboard
56 Undo Undo N
Press to undo previous command in Nuendo edit history (supports multiple undos)
D8B v5.1 B445 HUI Layer Control Mapping
For Nuendo