User’s Guide
Final Mix Factory Presets
The following table is a simple guide to help you understand some of Final Mix’s factory pre-
sets. A brief description and intended use is given. Final Mix presets can be used effectively
as they are, or as a starting point that lets you do the ne tuning mix. Final Mix also lets you
create your own user presets with custom parameters that meet your specic needs. So get
creative and have fun! Please visit www.mackie.com periodically to download new audio ex-
amples and additional free presets.
Note: Certain preset names shown here have the prex ( H_). This indicates that the preset is associated
and explained in Final Mix’s help screen. The help screen is accessed by selecting the (?) found at the top
right hand corner of the screen.
Final Mix Preset Preset Description Preset Type
Acuma CD Mastering A great full range compression Any style mastering
preset for all-around mastering.
Acuma Dance Mix Optimized dance mix guaranteed Dance production mix
to keep the beat pumping.
Acuma Final Mix Finely detailed midrange. All around mastering
Great for any style.
Acuma Gentle Comp Soft and gentle compression levels Easy mix
for a light but denitive mix.
Acuma Punch Medium compression emphasizing Funky, punchy mix
low and high end compression.
Acuma Rock + EQ Great all-around rock compression Rock and roll mix
with a boost in the low, mid and
hi EQ.
Acuma Techno EQ with the perfect fat bottom mix Techno, trance,
and a sizzling, crisp top end. house, groove mix
Perfect for techo, house and groove.
Acuma The Leveler Maximizes your output level with a Hot output mix
very warm analog sound.
Country + EQ Just the right compression and EQ Country mix
creates a lively modern country mix.
Country Female Especially designed for today’s top Female country mix
country music female singing sound.
Country Mix All around country music with just Male country mix
right crossovers and compression.
Drums The ultimate drum compression. Drum mix (any style)
Good for all styles of drumming.
Drums with Exp Add some snap and punch to drum Drum mix (any style)
tracks with a mix of expansion and