
Use <1/1_ to select the desired Iocat on setting, then press
[Home] is ENERGY STAR _'_qualified sett ng.
Initial Setup
This section will guide you through the unit's nitia+ setting
which ndudes selecting a language for your on screen menu
and autoprogram, which automat tally scans and memor zes
v ewabie channels.
Before you begin:
Make sure the unt is connected to antenna or cable.
1 After making all the necessary connect ons,
press (_)to turn on the unit.
It mat take a few moments to turn on the unt for the
first time.
[initial Setup] menu appears automat tally after the
unt is turned on.
2 Use A/V to select the on screen language from the
choices (Engl sh / Espafiol/Franca s) on the right sde of the
[V screen, then press OK.
3 Use A/V to select [Antenna] forTY channels or [Cable]
for CAIV channels, then press OK.
[Autoprogram] will begin.
Select [Retail] s+tore,the unit will be set up with
predefined setting for retail d splays. In this setting, the
power consumption may possibly exceed the limited
requ rement of the ENERGY S TAR® qualification.
Select [Home], the unit s set to maxmze the energy
effic ency for home setting and t can be adjusted
through a choice of picture and sound quality accord ng
to your preference. Use this setting to remove the ::
E+teke+fv+sblefiomthed+spla ,, p23
When the ntial setup s completed.the lowest
memorized channel with the confirmat on message of
the Iocat on sett ng will be displayed on the]V screen.
You must set [Home] in step 4. Otherwise, [Picture]
and [Sound] settings you adjusted will not be
memorized after the unt goes into standby mode.
If you arc, not receiv n£ d sgnal flsm your cdble serv ce, contdct
the Cabe prov de_:
If you pless _ or MENU durng autoplsgram, ths setup of TV
channels wl! be canoe ed.
The init al autoprogrsm function can be exr,cuted for ether
[Antenna] or [Cable] ony once.When you change the
connect on (Antenn / Cab e), set [Autoprogram] aga}n.,,_- p.17
If them is no signa input fi-om the antenna terminal and no
ope/at on for several seconds after you turn or, the unit, he pful
hints appears. Folow the instruct ons listed on theTV screen.
After an initial setup is completed...
If you want to scan the channels automatically again.
[Autoprogram] nlmi.p.17
You can add the desired cable and analog channels
unmemorized by autoprogram.
[Add Channels] ,,_ p.18
If you want to change to another language.
[Language] n,_ p.23
If you want to change the location setting.
[Location] n,_ p.23