Specifications/Notes ....
Hooking Up Your VCR
If the reception on all channels is poor,
you may need to tune your TV set again.
" • If the power fails for more than one
: minute, programmed timer recordings
: may be lost.
i • It is best to finish programming a timer
recording at least five minutes before
i the recording is scheduled to begin.
i • If, after programming a timer record-
i ing, you turn the VCR power off with-
: out putting a tape in the VCR, the
Timer light will blink.
i • If the record tab on a tape is missing,
i the VCR will eject the tape. The
i Timer light will blink.
: • 12 PM is noon; 12 AM is midnight.
Timer Recording
Power Failure
Timer recordings and the time may be
lost if the power fails for more than one
i Satellite Hookups
: • Watching one TV channel while
: recording another may not be possible
! if you have a satellite hookup.
: • You may have to set your TV to chan-
: nel 3 or 4, then make your channel
: selections at the satellite'converter
! box.
i • With many satellite hookups, if you
: use accessory audio and video cables
"- to connect your VCR to your TV, you
i will have to program your VCR to
" accept line input. To enter Line Input
"- mode, press O,O, 1 (if audio/video
• cables are connected via the AUDIO
: and VIDEO IN(put) jacks on the rear
: of the VCR), or 0, 0, 2 (if audio/video
: cables are connected via the AUDIO
: and VIDEO (Input) jacks on the front
" of the VCR). AV REAR or AV
: FRONT will appear on your TV screen
: briefly.
Line Input
If you accidentally enter Line Input
mode (AV REAR or AV FRONT will
appear on your TV screen briefly), press
the CHANNEL (Up/Down) buttons or
use the Number buttons to select another
Daylight-Saving Time
When automatic daylight saving time is
set, the clock time will change automati-
cally as follows: on the first Sunday in
April, 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM; on the last
Sunday in October, 2:00 AM to 1:00
• During the April time change, a timer
recording programmed to start between
2:00 AM and 2:59 AM will not record.
A timer recording programmed to end
between 2:00 AM and 2:59 AM will
end when the clock moves forward
(2:00 AM).
• During the October time change, a
recording cannot be started between
the second 1:00 AM and 1:59 AM.