•Thebattery charger is for charging Makita battery
cartridge. Nev er use it for other purposes or for other
manufacturer’s batteries.
•Whenyou charge a new battery cartridge or a battery
cartridge which has not been used for a long period of
time, itmaynotaccept a full charge. This is a normal
condition and d oes not indicate a problem. You c an
recharge the battery cartridge fully after discharging it
completely and recharging a couple of times.
•Ifyou charge a battery cartridge from a just operated
tool or a battery cartridge which has been left in a
location exposed to direct sunlight or hea t for a long
time, the charging light may flash in red color. If this
occurs, wait for a while. Charging will begin after the
battery cartridge cools. Th e battery cartridge will cool
faster if you remove the battery cartridge from the high
capacity battery charger.
•Ifthecharging light flashes alternately in green and red
color , a problem exists and charging is not possible. The
terminals on the charger or battery cartridge are clogged
with dust or the battery cartridge is worn out or
Trickle charge (Maintenance charge)
If you leave the battery cartridge inthechargertoprevent
spontaneous discharging after full charge, the charger will
switch intoits“tricklecharge (maintenance charge)” mode
and keep the battery cartridge fresh and fully charged.
Tips for maintaining maximum battery life
1. Charge the battery cartridge before completely dis-
Alwa ys stop tool operation and charge the battery car-
tridge when you notice less tool power.
2. Never recharge a fully charged batte ry cartridge.
Overcharging shortens the battery service life.
3. Charge the battery cartridge with room temperature at
Let a hot battery cartridge cool down before charging it.
4. Charge the Nickel Metal Hydride battery cartridge when
you donotuseitformorethansixmonths.