Cleaning water absorption strainer
(Fig. 8)
After removing chemical from tank, remove the water
absorption strainer at the bottom of the tank, and clean it.
Cleaning lever cock strainer (Fig. 9)
Remove lever cock cap and clean strainer.
Water absorption strainer
• This is a filter used to prevent dirt and dust (that for
some reason has got passed the tank strainer into the
tank) from getting into the pump. If the water absorption
strainer becomes blocked, spraying will deteriorate,
and there is a risk of the pump being adversely
Lever cock strainer
• Spraying deteriorates if the lever cock strainer
becomes blocked.
Sprayer storage
• Wash the equipment using the after-use maintenance
• In particular, when storing during the winter season,
breakdown or damage may occur due to freezing of
residual chemical and/or washing water in the pump.
Run the pump until all residual liquid has exited from
the nozzle, check to make sure there is no more
residual liquid, turn the sprayer switch OFF, and then
store the sprayer away.
Store the Sprayer out of reach of children, in an indoor
locale that does not freeze, is away from direct sunlight,
and has good ventilation.
- Take full care in storing the sprayer, as, in some cases,
the plastic components will deteriorate markedly if left
in direct sunlight for a prolonged period; moreover,
product caution labels will discolor and/or come off.
Useful Tips
Spray pipe holder
Be sure to attach the holder in the right direction. (Fig. 10)
• For configuration reasons, force is required in the
attaching process, but care should be taken not to
bend the spray pipe.
Use the holder when taking a rest, replenishing chemical
liquid, and at times of storage, etc. (Fig. 11)
For Model BVF154 only (Fig. 12)
Chemical tank holder post (Fig. 13)
The holder post also serves as a temporary holder for the
chemical tank lid, so please hook it onto this post.
Tank strainer
Hands can be freed up by inserting the water hose in the
useful notched section of the tank strainer. (Fig. 14)
Main plant diseases and pests
Always adhere to chemical manufacturer instructions
when handling chemicals.Thoroughly dissolve chemical
prior to use.
What to do if you think there is a
Before asking for repairs, first, conduct your own
inspection. If you find a problem that is not explained in
the manual, do not rashly dismantle the sprayer. Instead,
ask Makita Authorized Service Centers, always using
Makita replacement parts.
Malfunction status Cause Action
Motor (pump) will not work
Switch OFF The switch is OFF Turn switch ON
Switch ON
Battery problem (under
If recharging is not effective,
replace battery.
Wiring connector is
Request an overhaul
Wiring break Request an overhaul
Switch breakdown Request an overhaul
Motor breakdown Request an overhaul
Blown fuse Request an overhaul
Pump is working but spray is not coming out
Blocked nozzle Clean or replace
No liquid in chemical tank Replenish
Chemical tank lid’s blowhole is
Blocked piping Request an overhaul
Broken or cracked piping Request an overhaul
Disconnected or broken piping Request an overhaul
Blocked water absorption
Remove and clean