
Revision 1.2 Appendix A – NMEA 2000
Interfacing Page A5
GPS200 NMEA 2000
Non-Periodic Data Transmitted PGNs
PGN 129538 – GNSS Control Status
The GPS200 uses this PGN to provide the GNSS common satellite receiver parameter status.
GPS200 sends this PGN only when requested by PGN 059904 (ISO Request).
Field 1: SV Elevation Mask – If the elevation of a satellite (angle above the horizon) is below
this value, the GPS200 will not use that satellite in the solution. Units are 1x10
radians. The GPS200 always indicates “data not available” for this field, indicating
that this parameter is not user configurable.
2: PDOP Mask – If the PDOP exceeds this value, the GPS200 will indicate “No GNSS
fix” or “Dead Reckoning Mode” in PGN 129029. Units are 1x10
(unitless). The
GPS200 always indicates “data not available” for this field, indicating that this
parameter is not user configurable.
3: PDOP Switch – If the PDOP exceeds this value, a GPS receiver will switch from 3D
to 2D mode. For the GPS200, this field always contains a value of 0x7FFF,
indicating that the GPS200 will always attempt to operate in 3D mode. Units are
(unitless). The GPS200 always indicates “data not available” for this field,
indicating that this parameter is not user configurable.
4: SNR Mask – If the SNR of a satellite is below this value, the GPS200 will not use
that satellite in the solution. Units are 1x10
dB. The factory default is to use all
available satellites. The GPS200 always indicates “data not available” for this field,
indicating that this parameter is not user configurable.
5: GNSS Mode – This field is used to indicate the desired mode of operation: 0 = 1D, 1
= 2D, 2 = 3D, 3 = Auto (factory default), 4-5 = Reserved, 6 = Error, 7 = Null. The
GPS200 always returns a value of 3 (Auto) for this parameter, which is not user
6: DGNSS Mode – This field is used to indicate the desired mode of operation of
DGNSS (0=do not use SBAS, 1 and 3=Use SBAS when available). The factory
default value for this field is 1 (use SBAS when available).
7: Position / Velocity Filter – This field always contains a value of 0x3, indicating that
the GPS200 does not allow configuration of the position / velocity filter.
8: Max Correction Age – This field always contains a value of 0xFFFF, indicating that
the GPS200 does not allow configuration of the maximum age of SBAS correction
data to be used.
9: Antenna Altitude for 2D Mode – This field is used to indicate the antenna altitude for
the GPS200 to use when operating in 2D mode in units of 1x10
m. The factory
default for this field is 0.0 m, and is not user configurable.
10: Use Antenna Altitude for 2D Mode – This field is used to indicate whether the
GPS200 will use Antenna Altitude (Field 9) when operating in 2D mode. The
GPS200 returns a value of 1 for this parameter, indicating that it will always indicate
an Antenna Altitude of 0.0m when operating in 2D mode. This field is not user
GPS200 NMEA 2000
Received PGNs
PGN 126208 – NMEA Command Group Function – GNSS Control Status