
Mark Levinson
Thank you for purchasing the Nº53 Reference monaural power
amplifier. Totally redesigned and incorporating patented new
technologies, the Nº53 outperforms even the esteemed Nº33 in
both audio presentation and power performance.
Product Description
The Mark Levinson® Nº53 Reference monaural power amplifier
elevates amplifier performance to an entirely new level of
excellence. After extensive listening tests and exhaustive
measurements, the Nº53 demonstrates a phenomenal level of
performance capability with a larger dynamic range, cleaner
operation, and higher power levels through our proprietary
Interleaved Power Technology (IPT). The Nº53 can pass a musical
signal with utter integrity, regardless of how demanding that signal
and the loudspeakers used might be.
The Nº53 is capable of generating truly phenomenal power levels
into virtually any speaker load to support both instantaneous and
continuous demands. More impressive still, the Nº53 accomplishes
this feat without the slightest change in performance capability.
Unlike most amplifiers, the Nº53 has superbly efficient power
management, maintaining a constant thermally-balanced operating
temperature no matter how hard or long the amplifier is driven.
The Nº53 design incorporates the best qualities of traditional Mark
Levinson power amplifiers while adding our new IPT technology for
vastly superior sonic performance and a noise floor so low, it must
be experienced to be believed. From the isolated input circuitry to
the unique Mark Levinson binding posts, special care was taken to
minimize the introduction of noise. The input board is in a separate
compartment, totally isolated from the other circuitry. Whether the
input signal is single-ended or balanced, the input stage treats all
incoming signals as balanced to maximize the rejection of common
mode signals, preventing introduced noise from being applied to
the amplifier.
The low-noise toroidal power supply features an oversized 2.8kVA
transformer with four 47,000µF low-ESR capacitors for more than
ample energy storage capacity. A separate, dedicated power supply
for the control circuitry provides double isolation between the main
audio supply and the noisier, digital control circuits. The second
power supply also contributes to more efficient power management
as the main supply is shut down during power save mode.
The chassis is comprised of four separate internal compartments to
provide shielding and isolation of critical circuitry. The power
supplies are placed in the bottom compartment, isolated and
shielded from the rest of the amplifier, to reduce interference from
magnetic fields and high current devices. The middle section
contains four amplifiers arranged symmetrically and mirror-imaged