
Enterprise software version 8.7i Installation Guide Post-Installation Tasks
Locating installed files
Locating installed files
During installation, files are installed in various locations.
Two types of files are installed:
Product files.
System files on page 34.
Product files
Product files are installed in the installation path, which is determined during
installation. The default installation path is:
<drive>:\Program Files\McAfee\
Product files are installed in these folders:
VirusScan Enterprise folder.
Resources folders on page 34.
Engine folder on page 34.
Engine folder\x64 on page 34.
VirusScan Enterprise folder
These files are installed to the VirusScan Enterprise folder in the installation path:
The default location is:
<drive>:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise
AdsLokUU.Dll mscshield.exe mfetdik.sys readme.txt
BBCpl.dll McShieldPerData.dll msiutil.dll scan32.exe
condl.dll McShieldPerData.h mytilus.dll ScanOTLK.dll
consl.dll McShieldPerData.ini mytilus2.dll scncfg32.exe
coptcpl.dll McShieldPerData.reg naevent.Dll scriptproxy.dll
csscan.exe mcupdate.exe naiann.dll shcfg32.exe
EmAbout.dll Mcvssnmp.dll naievent.dll shext.dll
EmCfgCpl.dll mfeapfa.dll nailite.dll shstat.exe
entsrv.dll mfeapfk.sys NCDaemon.exe shutil.dll
EntvUtil.exe mfeavfa.dll NCExtMgr.dll vscan.bof
FtCfg.dll mfeavfk.sys NCInstall.dll VsEvntUI.DLL
Ftl.dll mfebopa.dll NCMenu.dll vsodscpl.dll
graphics.dll mfebopk.sys NCScan.dll vsplugin.dll
lockdown.dll mfecaka.dll NCTrace.dll vstskmgr.exe
logparser.exe mfecakk.sys nvpcpl.dll vsupdate.dll
McAVDetect.DLL mfehida.dll OASCpl.dll vsupdcpl.dll
mcavscv.dll mfehidin.exe pireg.exe wmain.dll
mcconsol.exe mfehidk.sys quarcpl.dll