
How to Operate in Two Channel or Subwoofer Mode
How to Operate in Two Channel Mode How to Operate in Subwoofer Mode
In the Two Channel Mode channels 1 and 2, and channels 3
and 4 operate in bridged configuration as a pair of full fre-
quency range 400 watt amplifiers. A typical application is
use of a more powerful amplifier for stereo reproduction.
Refer to figures 9 and 10.
The MCC404/MCC404M will turn on or off when the
Control Center turns On or Off.
Note: There must be an Amp ON connection between the
MCC404/MCC404M and the signal source unit in order
for the amplifier power turn On and Off to function.
Input Source
Set the channel 3-4 INPUT SOURCE Switch to 3, 4.
Sensitivity Controls
The Sensitivity Controls 1 and 3 allow the setting of input
level of both bridged pairs of amplifier channels to provide
an ideal match for the signal source being used.
Output Mode
Set both the channel 1-2 OUTPUT MODE Switch and the
channel 3-4 OUTPUT MODE Switch to the BRIDGED
position to configure the amplifier for two channel opera-
High Pass Filter
Set the High Pass Filters Frequency Controls to 50 and the
MULTIPLIER Switch to X.1. This will pass the full au-
dible spectrum yet filter out power robbing sub-sonics be-
low 5 Hz.
Low Pass Filter
Set the Low Pass Filter Switches to the OUT position since
both channels are operating at full frequency range.
In the Sub Woofer Operating Mode, channels 1&2 operate
as independent 100 watt amplifiers, driving two midrange
and high frequency or full range speakers. Channels 3&4
operate in Bridged Mode as a single 400-watt amplifier,
driving a low frequency speaker. A typical Sub application
is to drive two upper-range loudspeakers and one woofer or
subwoofer. Refer to figures 9 and 10.
The MCC404/MCC404M will turn On or Off when the
Control Center turns on or off.
Note: There must be an Amp ON connection between the
MCC404/MCC404M and the signal source unit in order
for the amplifier power turn On and Off to function.
Input Source
Set the channel 3&4 INPUT SOURCE Switch to the 1-4
(SUB) position to send the summed signals from input 1&2
to the bridged channels 3&4 for low-pass filtering.
Sensitivity Controls
The Sensitivity Controls allow setting the input level of
amplifier channels 1, 2 and 3 to provide an ideal match for
the signal source being used. Sensitivity Control 3 adjusts
the subwoofer level balance and Sensitivity Control 4 has
no effect.
Output Mode
Set the channels 1-2 OUTPUT MODE Switch to the STE-
REO position and the channels 3-4 OUTPUT MODE
Switch to the BRIDGED position to operate in the three
channel bi-amp mode.
High Pass Filter
Set the channel 3-4 High Pass Filters FREQUENCY Con-
trol to 50 and the MULTIPLIER Switch to X.1. Set the
channel 1-2 High Pass filter Frequency Controls the fre-
quency above which you wish to send to the upper range
Example: To send frequencies above 200Hz to the upper range
speakers, the FREQUENCY Control to 200 and the
MULTIPLIER Switch to X1.
Low Pass Filter
Set the channel 1-2 low pass filter to OUT. Set the channel
3-4 Low Pass Filter controls to the frequency below which
you wish to send to the subwoofer.
Example: To send frequencies below 200Hz to the subwoofer,
set the FREQUENCY Control to 200 and the
MULTIPLIER Switch to X1.