The “ENTER” and “BACK” buttons on the top of
the display let you move up and down the menu tree.
When you press “ENTER” you will select the current
active menu choice. Pressing “BACK” will move you
up the menu tree. To get us to the top of the menu
tree, press “BACK” until “Select Item” is displayed on
line 1 of the display. This is the top level menu. Use
the scroll keys to navigate through the choices until
you nd “Objects”. Press “ENTER”. Now you should
be able to navigate to “Constellations”. Once you are
there press “ENTER” again. Now press “ENTER” to
select “Andromeda”.
The telescope will now start to tell you the story of
Andromeda. You can listen to the whole story, or press
the “MEDIA” key to skip the story and more menu
choices will appear. If you want to go from the menu,
“BACK” to the story, just press the “MEDIA” key again
to restart the story.
A complete tree of the available menu choice is
contained in gure 6 on page 23 of the manual.
Menu Mode
Up till now we have been exploring the Menu Mode.
The handbox has several other modes in addition to
simple menu navigation. You will notice the “0” key is
also labelled “MODE”. Pressing “MODE” allows you
to cycle through the telescopes three modes.
Scope Info Mode
Press “MODE” now. In Scope Info Mode the scroll keys
allow you to look at the current time, date, and location
where the telescope is pointing along with other key
values about the status of your telescope.
Sky Map Mode
Press “MODE” again. The hand control display will
show “Sky Map FOV=45”. In sky map mode an attached
video monitor shows a planetarium-like map of the sky
in the area where your telescope is pointed. Use the
motion keys to move the scope and notice how the
sky display changes as you move the scope. You can
zoom the display in or out by pressing the scroll up and
scroll down buttons.
Now lets look at the numeric keypad. Each of the
number keys does two things. If the telescope is
requesting input, the number keys allow you to enter
digits into the telescope. When you are navigating the
menus they act as shortcuts. Their assignments are
as follows:
1. “SPEED”: We have already used this key. It
allows you to change the slew speed of
the telescope.
2. “CALDWELL”: Let’s you look up members
of a popular group of bright deep sky objects
that make up the Caldwell Catalog.
3. “MESSIER”: Let’s you look up some of the
most famous bright deep sky objects that make
up the Messier Catalog
4. “FOCUS”: If you have the optional electric
focuser on you your telescope you can press
this key to go to focus mode. Now the arrow
keys will move the focus in or out.
5. “PLANETS”: Lets you directly lookup
a planet.
6. “STARS”: Lets you directly lookup a
bright stars.
7. “VOLUME”: Gives you quick access to the
telescope audio volume control
8. “TOURS”: Lets you directly select a guided tour.
(note: to exit a tour at any time hit the
“MODE” Key.)
Now spend a little quality time with the telescope to
get comfortable navigating its features. When you
a comfortable, it is time to go out and explore the
night sky.