• You can bake in a microwave oven, although not with recipes that include yeast.
• Whenpreparingfoodwithathickskin,e.g.potatoes,apples,wholesquashor
chestnuts, you should prick holes in the skin to prevent the food from bursting
during cooking.
• Whenpreparingfoodina“traditional”oven,younormallyavoidopeningthe
oven door as much as possible. This is not the case with microwaves: no energy
at the food as often as you want.
Important safety measures when preparing food
• Ifusingtheapparatustoheatbabyfoodorliquidsinafeedingbottle,youmust
This ensures that the heat is evenly distributed and avoids scalding injuries.
the appliance.
• If some foods are heated too long, they may char and give off smoke. If this
happens, you should leave the oven door closed and switch off the apparatus
• Somefoodswithlowwatercontent,e.g.chocolateinsquaresandpastrieswith
be ruined.
Before starting to prepare food in containers, you should check that the containers
you wish to use are made of a suitable material, as some types of plastic may
become limp and deform, while some types of ceramics may crack (particularly
In order to test if a container is suitable for use in a microwave oven:
• Place the container in the appliance.
• At the same time, place a half-full glass of water in the container.
• Start, and run for 15-30 seconds on maximum power.
• If the container becomes very hot to the touch, do not use it.
Suitable utensils and materials
When cooking food in a microwave oven, you should PREFERABLY use the
following utensils and materials:
• Glass and glass bowls
• Stoneware (glazed and unglazed). The food stays hot longer in glazed stoneware
than in other dishes.
• Plastic containers. Can be used for many heating purposes. Caution! Plastic
containers made from melamine, polyethylene and phenol must NOT be used.
• Porcelain.Allporcelaincanbeusedinmicrowaveovens,althoughreproof
porcelain is preferable.
• Fireproofcovereddishes.Glassdisheswithlidsthattsocloselythatsteam
(however, the cooking time must not exceed 5 minutes).
• Browning dishes. You must be very careful when using this type of dish. Never
heat the browning dish for more than 5 minutes on the turntable. Suitable
insulation, such as a heat-tested plate, should be placed between the browning
dish and the turntable to prevent the turntable from overheating.
• Microwaveroastinglmcanbeused,particularlyforsoups,sauces,stewed
dishes or when defrosting food. Can also be used as a loose covering to prevent
fat, etc. from spraying out into the oven compartment.
• Kitchen roll is ideal, as it absorbs moisture and fat. For example, bacon can
be placed in layers, with kitchen roll between each layer. The bacon will then
be completely crispy, as it does not sit in its own fat. Home-baked bread can
be taken directly from the freezer, wrapped in kitchen roll and heated in the
microwave oven.
• Wetkitchenrollcanbeusedforshorvegetables.Coveringthefoodpreventsit
from drying out.
• GreaseproofpaperFish,largevegetables,suchascauliower,cornonthecob
and similar can be wrapped in wet greaseproof paper.
• Roastingbagsareidealformeat,shandvegetables.However,theymustnever
be closed using metal clips. Cotton thread should be used instead. Prick the bag
with small holes, and place it in the appliance on a plate or glass dish.
Unsuitable utensils and materials
When cooking food in a microwave oven, you must NOT use the following
utensils and materials:
• Sealed glass jars/bottles with small openings, as they may explode.
• General-purpose thermometers
• Silver foil/foil trays, as the microwave rays cannot penetrate the material and the
food will not cook.
• Recycled paper, as it may contain small metal splinters that could cause sparks
• Closed tins/containers with tightly sealed lids, as excess pressure may cause the
tin/container to explode.
• Metalclipsandlids/lmcontainingmetallicthreadssincetheycancausesparks
in the microwave oven and must therefore be removed.
• Metalbowls/containersandpackaging,unlesstheyaredesignedspecicallyfor
food through the metal.
• Plates, dishes and bowls/containers with metal, gold and silver decorations.
They may break and/or cause sparks to form in the oven compartment.
When cleaning the appliance, you should pay attention to the following points:
• Turn off the appliance and remove the plug from the wall socket before cleaning.
• Never use a scouring pad or any form of strong solvents or abrasive cleaning
agents to clean the appliance, as those may damage the inside and outside
surfaces of the appliance. Use a well-wrung cloth and warm water. A little
detergent can be added if the appliance is heavily soiled.
• Make sure that no water gets into the vent holes.
• The glass turntable, the spindle, the turning ring and the grill insert can be
washed by hand or in a dishwasher.
• Thespindle,theturningringandtheooroftheappliancemustbecleaned
regularly so that the glass turntable can move freely.
• Do not remove the mica plate (5) from the inside of the oven!
• Tip:Whentheappliancehasbeeninuseforsometime,theovencompartment
can begin to smell. If the smell is not dispersed by ordinary cleaning, place a few
lemon slices in a cup and cook them in the microwave oven at full power for 2-3
minutes. This will effectively disperse the smell.
If the appliance will not start:
• Check that the plug is correctly in place in the wall socket. If that is not the case,
remove the plug, wait 10 seconds and then plug it in again.
• Check whether a fuse has blown or whether the relay has been switched off. If it
is not that, you can check that the socket itself is working by plugging in another
• Check that the oven door is closed properly. If this is not the case, the automatic
safety system via the lock dowels (1) ensures that the appliance cannot be
• Check whether the child safety lock is activated (lock symbol appears on
display). If so, deactivate the child safety lock by pressing the “1 Min” and “10
Sec” buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds.
• Check that the appliance has been programmed correctly.
If the appliance still does not work, you should contact a repair engineer.
Please note that this Adexi product is marked with this symbol:
This means that this product must not be disposed of together with ordinary
household waste, as electrical and electronic waste must be disposed of separately.
collection, recovery, handling and recycling of electrical and electronic waste.
free of charge. In some member states you can, in certain cases, return the used
information on what you should do with electrical and electronic waste.
The guarantee does not apply:
• if the above instructions are not followed
• if the appliance has been interfered with
•· if the appliance has been mishandled, subjected to rough treatment, or has
suffered any other form of damage
• If faults have arisen because of faults in your electricity supply.
Due to the constant development of our products in terms of function and design,
we reserve the right to make changes to the product without warning.
in this user guide, please try our website at www.adexi.eu.
You can also see contact details if you need to contact us for technical issues,
repairs, accessories and spare parts.
Adexi Group