Destination input
Select city/suburb
“City/Suburb Entry” input menu
5 Input line, selected characters (invers)
or last city selected
6 Character set
7 Zoom
8 Move the insertion point one position
to the right
9 Activate the city list
̈ Press the right-hand rotary/push-
button v in the main address menu
and confirm and confirm “City/Sub-
The input menu “City/Suburb Entry”
will appear.
To adopt the city last selected:
̈ Activate the city list.
To select another city:
̈ Turn the right-hand rotary/push-button
v until the desired letter in character
set 6 is highlighted.
The zoom 7 enlarges the currently
highlighted character.
̈ Press the right-hand rotary/push-
button v to enter the character in in-
put line 5.
COMAND supplements the new entry
with additional letters so that the
stored name of a city/suburb will ap-
̈ Enter other characters until the desired
city name appears in 5.
Correcting the entry
ț Last character entered
̈ Press r briefly.
ț All of the characters entered
̈ Press r longer than 2 seconds.
For quicker input, COMAND will offer
available characters from the character
set 6 based on your selections and the
names of the cities stored on the navi-
gation CD.