
Data written as ASCII file: alc_05_NNNN.dat
(run number NNNN)
19 header lines followed by data, lines containing 48 coloumns each
!File: /home/l_musr_alc/exp/alc/alc_05_0270.dat
!Run : 270
!Start/Stop time: 01:25:32 (30-04-2005) / 06:55:08 (30-04-2005)
!Comment: cell 107, 15% DHTAC / 50 mole% ortho-chlorobenzoate, 35C
!Field [T]: prescan = 1.5000; from = 1.5500; to = 2.3000; step = 0.0005
!Temperature (cold finger) : T1 = 346.503 K; dT1 = 0.029 K
!Temperature (sample plate): T2 = 350.154 K; dT2 = 0.063 K
!Preset Count: 1500000
!Group of preset detectors: 0x00000004
!Group of forward detectors: 0x007f0000
!Group of backward detectors: 0x000007f0
! B_IPS asym a_err I_IPS B_NMR B_Hall T1 T2 reserve[0..7] scaler[0..31]
1.5500 0.11370 0.00031 22.79400 1.5481 1.5480 346.629 350.034 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 9042 1601696 0 915025 829539 925851
756272 827958 883336 764988 0 0 0 0 0 862837 751539 743396
512164 508840 602534 716321 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.5505 0.11459 0.00030 22.80140 1.5485 1.5480 346.660 350.027 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 9149 1620915 0 927877 842968 938642
767071 839195 895571 777035 0 0 0 0 0 872329 758847 754103
518703 514314 612899 725841 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
scaler[28] – [31] contains the sums of all detector counts in fw and bw generated by an
FC103 ‘OR’ unit. This avoids counting of double hits.
sb_pos = scaler[28];
sb_neg = scaler[29];
sf_pos = scaler[30];
sf_neg = scaler[31];
The resulting asymmetry and error are written in reserve[0] – [3] for pos. and neg.
electric field applied (asy_pos, errasy_pos, asy_neg, errasy_neg). (Only negative
polarity if no electric field clock signal present!).
AFS data path:
defined as DATAPATH on pc5145: cd $DATAPATH
visualize, e.g., gnuplot: plot “alc_05_0123.dat” u 1:2:3 w e
use Root on pc5145:
cd /home/l_musr_alc/ALC
root -l DoALC.C
[] load();
[] plot();
[] combine();
[] save();