Gourmet Center
Italian Bread
Yields: 2 Loaves
25.4 oz. bread flour (approx. 4 3/4 cups
plus 3 tablespoons)
6 oz. extra fancy (fine grain) semolina
flour (appr
ox. 1 cup)
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon instant yeast
1 tablespoon salt
1 pound lukewarm water (approx.
2 cups)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Untoasted sesame seeds
Mix the bread flour, semolina flour,
gar, yeast and salt together in the
bowl of a stand mixer. Make sure yeast
and salt do not come into direct
contact. With a paddle attachment,
slowly add the wet ingredients until
Switch to a dough hook and knead for
about 10 minu
Turn dough out onto a lightly floured
work sur
face. Shape the dough into a
ball, cover with plastic wrap and proof
for 1½ hours
Divide the dough into equal two pieces.
Shape into two loafs that are about a
14" long by 2" wide and taper at both
ends. P
lace dough on perforated
baking tray and cover with plastic wrap.
Proof for another 20 minutes.
Score dough 3 times, lightly brush with
er and sprinkle with sesame seeds
Place in oven and select the
erChef Plus program for Italian
Follow the directions on the display.
Gourmet Center \ MasterChef plus \ Bread
\ Italian Bread
Level: see display
Baking time: approx. 48 minutes