6.3 Job Control Screens
6-10 CF2002/CF3102
Controlling Jobs Chapter 6
6.3 Job Control Screens
The status of a programmed job can be changed and the job can be prioritized for
The following six Job Control screens provide a variety of functions.
Scanned Job Screen
Scanned jobs stored in the memory can be printed.
Touch [Job Control]. The Scanned Job screen appears.
Images stored in the memory, using the “Scan to Memory” function from the
Auxiliary screen, appear as jobs.
The programmed details of a stored scan image can be viewed.
Stored scan jobs appear in order from the top of the list.
Touch [Basic] to display the Basic screen again.
The following details of the jobs are displayed.
No. Paper Format Description
1 Job number Job identification number assigned when the job is programmed
2 Up/down arrows When there are more than five jobs, press these arrows to
display jobs higher or lower in the list (higher or lower in the
printing order).
3 Job name Displays the type (source) of the job
“COPIER” is displayed for copy jobs.
4 Status Displays the status of the job
5 Output location Indicates the tray where the printed page will be fed out.
6 File name Displays the name of the file for print jobs sent from the
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