Function assignment of external terminal and control
47 147 PID
During PID control
Output during PID control.
Pr. 127 to Pr. 134,
Pr. 575 to Pr. 577
55 155 Y55
Motor temperature
detection (for FR-
Output when the temperature of the vector
control dedicated motor with thermistor (SF-
T/A) exceeds the detection level.
Pr. 750 -
64 164 Y64 During retry Output during retry processing. Pr. 65 to Pr. 69 273
70 170 SLEEP PID output interruption
Output when the PID output interruption
function is executed.
Pr. 127 to Pr. 134,
Pr. 575 to Pr. 577
83 183 Y83
During 0V calibration
(for FR-A7AD)
Output during 0V calibration
Pr.525, Pr.527,
Pr.529, Pr.531,
84 184 RDY
Position control
preparation ready (for
Output when the servo is ON (LX-ON) and
ready to operate.
Pr. 419, Pr. 428 to
Pr. 430
85 185 Y85 DC feeding
Output during power failure or under voltage of
AC power.
Pr. 30, Pr. 70 207
90 190 Y90 Life alarm
Output when any of the control circuit capacitor,
main circuit capacitor and inrush current limit
circuit or the cooling fan approaches the end of
its service life.
Pr. 255 to Pr. 259 386
91 191 Y91
Fault output 3 (power-
off )
Output when a fault occurs due to the circuit
failure of the inverter wiring mistake.
92 192 Y92
Energy saving
average value
updated timing
Turned ON and OFF alternately every time the
power saving average value is updated when
the power saving monitor is used.
Cannot be set to Pr. 195 and Pr. 196 (relay output
Pr. 52, Pr. 54,
Pr. 158, Pr. 891 to
Pr. 899
93 193 Y93
Current average value
monitor signal
Average current value and maintenance timer
value are output as pulses.
Cannot be set to Pr. 195 and Pr. 196 (relay output
Pr. 555 to Pr. 557 390
94 194 ALM2 Fault output 2
Output when the fault occurs. Continue
outputting the signal during inverter reset and
stop outputting after reset status is finished.
95 195 Y95
Maintenance timer
Output when Pr. 503 rises to or above the Pr. 504
Pr. 503, Pr. 504 389
96 196 REM Remote output
Output to the terminal when a value is set to the
Pr. 495 to Pr. 497 250
97 197 ER Alarm output 2
When Pr. 875 = "0" (initial value), the signal is
output when the fault occurs.
When Pr. 875 = "1", the signal is output when the
inverter protective function is activated at
occurrence of OHT/THM/PTC fault and
deceleration is started.
Output when other protective functions are
activated and the inverter trips.
Pr. 875 277
98 198 LF Alarm output
Output when an alarm (fan failure or
communication error warning) occurs.
Pr. 121, Pr. 244 333, 385
99 199 ALM Fault output
Output when the fault occurs. The signal output
is stopped when the fault is reset.
9999 - No function - - -
*1 Note that when the frequency setting is varied using an analog signal or of the operation panel (FR-DU07), the output of the SU (up to
frequency) signal may alternate ON and OFF depending on that varying speed and the timing of the varying speed due to acceleration/
deceleration time setting. (The output will not alternate on and OFF when the acceleration/deceleration time setting is "0s".)
*2 When a power supply reset is performed, the fault output 2 signal (ALM2) turns OFF as soon as the power supply switches OFF.
*3 Available only when the plug-in option is mounted.
⋅ The same function may be set to more than one terminal.
⋅ When the function is executed, the terminal conducts at the setting of any of "0" to "99", and does not conduct at the setting of
any of "100" to "199".
⋅ When Pr. 76 Fault code output selection = "1", the output signals of the terminals SU, IPF, OL and FU are switched as set in Pr. 76.
(When an inverter fault occurs, the signal output is switched to the fault code output.)
⋅ The output assignment of the terminal RUN and alarm output relay are as set above regardless of Pr. 76.
Function Operation
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