Motor brake and stop operation
(3) When using the high-duty brake resistor (FR-ABR) (FR-D720-025 or more, FR-D740-012 or more, FR-
D720S-025 or more)
Set "1" in Pr. 30.
Set "10%" in Pr. 70.
(4) When a high power factor converter (FR-HC) is used and automatic restart after instantaneous
power failure function is valid.
When automatic restart after instantaneous power failure function of both the FR-HC and inverter is valid (when a value
other than "9999" is set in Pr. 57 Restart coasting time), set "2" in Pr. 30 .
Set Pr. 70 to "0%" (initial value).
When the FR-HC detects power failure during inverter operation, the RDY signal turns on, resulting in the motor coasting.
Turning the RDY signal off after power restoration, the inverter detects the motor speed (depends on the Pr.162 Automatic
restart after instantaneous power failure selection ) and restarts automatically after instantaneous power failure.
(5) Regenerative brake duty alarm output and alarm signal (RBP signal)
100%: regenerative overvoltage protection operation value
[RB] appears on the operation panel and an alarm
signal (RBP) is output when 85% of the regenerative
brake duty set in Pr. 70 is reached. If the regenerative
brake duty reaches 100% of the Pr. 70 setting, a
regenerative overvoltage (E.OV1 to E.OV3) occurs.
Note that [RB] is not displayed when Pr. 30 = "0".
The inverter does not trip even when the alarm (RBP)
signal is output.
For the terminal used for the RBP signal output, assign
the function by setting "7 (positive logic) or 107
(negative logic)" in Pr. 190 or Pr. 192 (output terminal
function selection) .
The MRS signal can also be used instead of the X10 signal. (Refer to page 115)
Refer to page 31 to 35 for connecting the brake resistor (MRS type, MYS type), high-duty brake resistor (FR-ABR), brake unit
(FR-BU2), high power factor converter (FR-HC), and power regeneration common converter (FR-CV).
When terminal assignment is changed using Pr. 178 to Pr. 182 (input terminal function selection) and Pr. 190, Pr. 192 (output
terminal function selection), the other functions may be affected. Make setting after confirming the function of each
terminal. (Refer to page 113)
The value set in Pr. 70 must not exceed the setting of the brake resistor used.
Otherwise, the resistor can overheat.
Parameters referred to
Pr. 57 Restart coasting time Refer to page 136
Pr. 178 to Pr. 182 (input terminal function selection) Refer to page 113
Pr. 190, Pr. 192 (output terminal function selection) Refer to page 119
Regenerative brake
pre-alarm (RBP)
Ratio of the brake
duty to the Pr. 70
setting (%)