FX Series Programmable Controllers Points Of Technique 10
Method 2
manual operations the PID instruction is kept runnin
but the calculated MV is i
instead the operator controls MV. In order to prevent the PID instruction from runnin
out of
control the MV value set b
the operator should be fed in to the MV
isters of the PID data
block in the same wa
as for MV ran
e control earlier (i.e. Set S
+18, S
+19 to MV x 100).
When switchin
back to PID control the internal values of the PID instruction are alread
and full PID operation starts immediatel
10.15.3 Using the PID alarm signals
Included as part of the data block there are four alarm values. These set the maximum positive
and ne
ative chan
e that should occur to MV and PV. The PID alarm si
nals are used to warn
of the s
out of control.
When the s
stem is startin
from cold it is usuall
ood to include the Derivative numbers
of the in the calculation; the chan
es to PV are lar
e and the Derivative introduces too much
correction. Also, if the s
stem starts to move rapidl
from the SV then sometimes the use
of D can over correct and cause chasin
an 'alarm' fla
for the chan
e in PV and MV it is possible to monitor the state of the
stem and ad
ust the PID parameters to appropriate settin
When the s
stem is close to the SP the chan
es in PV (and MV) should be minimal.
In this situation usin
full PID is ver
useful in keepin
the s
stem close to the SP. (Full PID is
However, if the conditions chan
e (e.
. openin
a refri
erator door, addin
redients to a
mixture, cold start, etc.) the s
stem reacts. In some cases (especiall
cold start) the reaction is
too much for the D to be useful (PI or sometimes
ust P onl
is better). In these cases the alarm
s can be used to chan
e to PI control until the s
stem returns to a more stable condition,
when full PID can then be used.
, rather than use actual values of the PV to determine the chan
e over point from PI to
PID (or PID to PI), use the size of the chan
e in PV (or MV). This means chan
es to the Set
Point do not require different ran
es for the PI - PID chan
e over point (at least, in theor
10.15.4 Other tips for PID programming
• It is recommended that an input value for PV is read before the PID is activated. Otherwise,
the PID will see a bi
e from 0 to the first value and calculate as if a bi
error is
• The PID instruction is not interrupt processed. It is scan dependent and as such the
can not occur faster the FX scan time. It is recommended that T
is set to a
multiple of the pro
ram scan time.
• To keep timin
errors to a minimum it is recommended that constant scan is used.
• To improve samplin
rates it is possible to put the PID instruction inside a timer interrupt
• It is better to have the PID onl
perform P until the input value (PV) reaches the workin
• When settin
up it is a
ood idea to monitor the input and output of the PID instruction and
check that the
are about the expected values.
• If the PID s
stem is not operatin
check the error fla
s for PID errors (D8067).