FX Series Programmable Controlers Applied Instructions 5
5.1 Program Flow-Functions00 to 09
CJ - Conditional
ump FNC 00 5-5
CALL - Call Subroutine FNC 01 5-7
SRET - Subroutine Return FNC 02 5-8
IRET - Interrupt Return FNC 03 5-9
EI - Enable Interrupt FNC 04 5-9
DI - Disable Interrupt FNC 05 5-9
FEND - First End FNC 06 5-11
WDT - Watchdo
Timer FNC 07 5-12
FOR - Start of a For/Next Loop FNC 08 5-13
NEXT - End a For/Next Loop FNC 09 5-13
Symbols list:
D - Destination device.
S - Source device.
m, n- Number of active devices, bits or an operational constant.
Additional numeric suffixes will be attached if there are more than one operand with the same
function e.
. D
, S
or for lists/tabled devices D
MSB - Most Si
nificant Bit, sometimes used to indicate the mathematical si
n of a number, i.e.
positive = 0, and ne
ative = 1.
LSB - Least Si
nificant Bit.
Instruction modifications:
An instruction operatin
in 16 bit mode, where identifies the instruction
P - A 16 bit mode instruction modified to use pulse (sin
le) operation.
- An instruction modified to operate in 32 bit operation.
D P - A 32 bit mode instruction modified to use pulse (sin
le) operation.
- A repetitive instruction which will chan
e the destination value on ever
scan unless
modified b
the pulse function.
- An operand which cannot be indexed, i.e. The addition of V or Z is either invalid or will
have no effect to the value of the operand.