FX2N-5A Special function block Buffer Memory (BFM) 7
#18 Hold last value / reset output to offset value when PLC is stopped
Disables setting change of I/O characteristics and convenient
functions. The following BFMs are protected:
BFM 0 (input channel mode settings)
BFM 1 (output channel mode settings)
BFM 18 (hold/reset last value output)
BFM 20 (reset all values to default)
BFM 21 (offset/gain adjustment settings)
BFM 22 (convenient function settings)
BFM 25 (digital filter selection)
BFM 41 to 45 (offset data settings)
BFM 51 to 55 (gain data settings)
BFM 200 to 249 (Scaling function settings)
Disables change.: K2, Enables change.: K1
K1 at shipment
Initialize function.
(Initialize function at K1, then returns automatically to K0 after
initialization is completed.)
Writes I/O characteristics. (Returns automatically to K0 after write of
offset/gain value or Scaling function value is finished.)
Sets convenient functions (upper/lower limit value detection,
immediate data and average data peak value hold, switch off
function for range over error for each channel).
K0 at shipment
#23 Set parameter for direct control function between input and output
#24 Reserved
Table 7.1: BFM Lists
Hold against
power failure
Initial value