FX Series Programmable Controllers Devices in Detail 4
4.6.1 Input Interrupts
Identification of interrupt pointer number:
Example: I001
The sequence pro
rammed after the label (indicated b
the I001 pointer) is executed on the
or risin
e of the input si
nal X0. The pro
ram sequence returns from the
interruption pro
ram when an IRET instruction is encountered.
Rules of use:
• The followin
points must be followed for an interrupt to operate;
- Interrupt pointers cannot have the same number in the ‘100’s’ position, i.e. I100 and
I101 are not allowed.
- The input used for the interrupt device must not coincide with inputs alread
for use b
other hi
h speed instructions within the user pro
4.6.2 Timer Interrupts
Identification of interrupt pointer number:
Example: I610
The sequence pro
rammed after the label (indicated b
the I610 pointer) is executed at
intervals of 10msec. The pro
ram sequence returns from the interruption pro
ram when an
IRET instruction is encountered.
Rules of use:
• The followin
points must be followed for an interrupt to operate;
- Interrupt pointers cannot have the same number in the ‘100’s’ position, i.e. I610 and
I650 are not allowed.
I 0
0: interrupt tri
ered on trailin
/ fallin
e of input si
1: interrupt tri
ered on leadin
/ risin
e of input si
Input number; each input number can onl
be used once.
and FX
have 4 points (0 to 3 which map to X0 to X3)
Other units have 6 points (0 to 5 which map to X0 to X5)
10 to 99 msec: the interrupt is repeatedl
ered at intervals of the
specified time.
Timer interrupt number 3 points (6 to 8)