North America
MESCA (Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc.)
Information Technologies Group, 4299 14th Avenue, Markham, Ontario L3R
0J2, Canada
Sales Phone :+1-(905) 475-7728
Fax :+1-(905) 475-7958
E-mail :projectors@mitsubishielectric.ca
Technical Phone :+1-(905) 475-7728
Fax :+1-(905) 475-7958
Customer Care
E-mail :support@mitsubishielectric.ca
MDEA (Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America, Inc.)
(Warranty Registration)
Presentation Products Division, 9351 Jeronimo Road, Irvine, CA 92618 U.S.A
Phone Main Line :+1-(949) 465-6000
Technical :+1-(888) 307-0309
Product Information :+1-(888) 307-0312
Technical Support
E-mail :tsupport@mdea.mea.com
MEU-FRA (Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V French Branch)
25, Boulevard des Bouvets 92 741, Nanterre CEDEX, France
Sales Phone :+33 (0)1 55-68-55-07
Fax :+33 (0)1 55-68-57-31
Technical Phone :+33 (0)1 41-02-83-24
Fax :+33 (0)1 49-01-07-23
MEU-GER (Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. German Branch)
Gothaer Strasse 8, 40880 Ratingen, Germany
MEU-IR (Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Irish Branch)
Westgate Business Park, Ballymount, Dublin 24, Ireland
Sales Phone :+353-(0)1- 4198844
Fax :+353-(0)1-4564422
Technical Phone :+353-(0)1-4198807
Fax :+353-(0)1-4198895
MEU-IT (Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Italian Branch)
Centro Direzionale Colleoni, Palazzo Persero-Ingresso 2, Via Paracelso 12, 20041
Agrate Brianza, Italy
Sales Phone :+39-(0)39-60531
Fax :+39-(0)39-6053214
E-mail :info.projector@it.mee.com
MEU-NL (Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Benelux Branch)
Nijverheidsweg 23a, 3641 RP Mijdrecht, The Netherlands
Sales Phone :+31-297-282461
Fax :+31-297-283936
E-mail :info.lcd@nl.mee.com
Technical Phone :+31-297-282461
Fax :+31-297-283936
E-mail :info.lcd@nl.mee.com
Moscow Representative Office, 12/1 Goncharnaya St. 109240, Moscow, Russia
Sales Phone :+7 (095) 915 8602
Fax :+7 (095) 915 8603
MEU-SP (Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Spanish Branch)
Ctra. de Rubi, 76-80, 08190 Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, Spain
Sales Phone :+34-93.565.31.54
Fax :+34-93.589.43.88
E-mail :mitsubishi.profesional@sp.mee.com
Technical Phone :+34-93.586.27.51
Fax :+34-93.699.74.45
E-mail :mitsubishi.profesional@sp.mee.com
MEU-SWE (Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V Scandinavian Branch)
Hammarbacken 14, Box 750, S-19127, Sollentuna, Sweden
Sales Phone :+46-(0)8-6251070
Fax :+46-(0)8-6251036
Technical Phone :+46-(0)8-6251052
Fax :+46-(0)8-6251036
MEU-UK (Mitsubishi Electric Europe)
Visual Information Systems Division, Travellers Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire,
AL10 8XB
Sales Phone :+44 (1707) 278684
Fax :+44 (1707) 278541
E-mail :projector.info@meuk.mee.com
Technical Phone :+44 (870) 606 5008
Fax :+44 (1506) 431927
E-mail :projector.info@meuk.mee.com
Russia (Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V Moscow Representative Office)
52, bldg.5, Kosmodamianskaya Nab, 113054, Moscow, Russian Federation
Sales Phone :+7 (095) 721 2070
Fax :+7 (095) 721 2071
Technical Phone :+7 (095) 721 2070
Fax :+7 (095) 721 2071
MITSUBISHI Projector Contact Information
RIL (Ryoden (Holdings) Ltd. )
• Hong Kong Office
15/F, Manulife Tower, 169 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong, China
Technical Support
Phone :+852 6510 1750
Fax :+852 2887 8027
• Beijing Office
9/F, Office Tower 1, Henderson Centre, 18 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng
District, Beijing, 100005, China
Sales & Technical Support
Phone :+86 (10) 6518 2930
Fax :+86 (10) 6518 2530
• Shanghai Office
10/F, Shanghai Square Office Tower, 138 Huai Hai Zhong Road, Lu Wan
District, Shanghai, 200021, China
Sales & Technical Support
Phone :+86 (21) 6327 2228
Fax :+86 (21) 6327 4918
• Shenzhen Office
Unit 01-04, 13/F, Building A, Tian An International Building, Renmin Road
South, Shenzhen, 518005, China
Sales & Technical Support
Phone :+86 (755) 518 6386
Fax :+86 (755) 218 4775
• Chengdu Office
Block B-1, 23/F., Chuan Xin Mansion, 18 Section 2, Renmin Road South,
Chengdu, 610016, China
Sales & Technical Support
Phone :+86 (28) 619 9730
Fax :+86 (28) 619 9801
REMECO (Ryoden Merchandising Co., Ltd.)
Units 5-10, 20th Floor, Tower I, Ever Gain Plaza, 88 Container Port Road, Kwai
Chung, N.T., Hong Kong, China
Sales Support Phone :+852 2510 2119
Fax :+852 2510 463
Technical Support Phone :+852 2510 2188
Sales & Technical Support
E-mail :info.pav@remeco.meap.com
MEAP (Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd)
307 Alexandra Road, Mitsubishi Electric Building, 289245,Singapore
Main Line Phone :+65 6 473 2308
Fax :+65 6 475 9503
Sales & Technical Support
E-mail :peripherals@asia.meap.com
AMS (Antah Melco Sales & Services Sdn Bhd
(A Joint-Venture Company of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation))
6, Jalan 13/6, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Main Line Phone :+603-7955 2088
Fax :+603-7956 3950
:+603-7958 2576
Technical Support
Phone :+603-7955 2088
E-mail :anmelco@po.jaring.my
Product Information
Phone :+603-7955 2088
ME-TWN (Mitsubishi Electric Taiwan Co., Ltd.)
9th Floor., 90 Sec. 6, Chung Shan N. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
Sales Support Phone :+886 (0) 2 2832 8255
Fax : +886 (0) 2 2833 9813
KYW (Kang Yong Watana Co., Ltd.)
28 Krungthep Kreetha Road, Huamark Bangkapi, Bangkok, 10240, Thailand
Sales Support Phone :+66 (2) 731 6901
Fax :+66 (2) 379 4763
STC (Setsuyo Trading Co.Ltd. Seoul Branch
Dongseo Game Channel Bldg, 660-11, Deungchon-dong, Kangseo-ku, Seoul, Korea
Main Line Phone :+82 (0) 2 3665 4964
Fax :+82 (0) 2 3665 4965
ME-AUST (Mitsubishi Electric Australia)
348 Victoria Road, Rydalmere, N.S.W. 2116, Australia
Sales Phone :+(612)9684-7777
Fax :+(612)9898-0484
E-mail :ped@meaust.meap.com
(Warranty Registration) http://www.bdt.co.nz/projectors/warranty.asp
1 Parliament St, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand
Sales Phone :+64-(0)4-560-9100
Fax :+64-(0)4-560-9133
E-mail :help@bdt.co.nz
Technical Phone :+64-(0)4-560-9100
Fax :+64-(0)4-560-9133
Manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
1 Zusho Baba, Nagaokakyo-City, Kyoto Japan
Printed in JAPAN