
• Cooling capacity is based on D.B. 26.7 °C / W.B. 19.4 °C (D.B. 80 °F / W.B. 67 °F) (indoor temperature), D.B. 35 °C (D.B. 95 °F)
(outdoor temperature).
• Heating capacity is based on D.B. 21.1 °C (D.B. 70 °F) (indoor temperature), D.B. 8.3 °C / W.B. 6.1 °C (D.B. 47 °F / W.B. 43 °F)
(outdoor temperature).
The rated capacities below show the rise in the indoor unit connection capacity when operating frequency is constant.
Values for changes in capacity are fixed after accounting for variations in operating frequency and should be used as
reference values.
Please refer not to the table below but to ”Installation manual” for the breaker selection.
(1) Cooling mode
Indoor unit combinations Capacity of each unit (BTU/h) Total rated
capacity (BTU/h)
unit input (W)
Outdoor unit current (A)
Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit A Unit B Unit C 208V 230V
06 - - 6000 - - 6000 900 4.4 4.0
09 - - 9000 - - 9000 1180 5.8 5.2
12 - - 12000 - - 12000 1410 6.9 6.2
15 - - 15000 - - 15000 1590 7.8 7.0
18 - - 18000 - - 18000 1780 8.7 7.8
24 - - 24000 - - 24000 2290 11.2 10.1
06 06 - 6000 6000 - 12000 1410 6.9 6.2
06 09 - 6000 9000 - 15000 1590 7.8 7.0
06 12 - 6000 12000 - 18000 1780 8.7 7.8
06 15 - 6000 15000 - 21000 2040 9.9 9.0
06 18 - 6000 18000 - 24000 2290 11.2 10.1
06 24 - 6000 24000 - 30000 2780 13.6 12.3
09 09 - 9000 9000 - 18000 1780 8.7 7.8
09 12 - 9000 12000 - 21000 2040 9.9 9.0
09 15 - 9000 15000 - 24000 2290 11.2 10.1
09 18 - 9000 18000 - 27000 2540 12.4 11.2
09 24 - 9000 24000 - 33000 3010 14.7 13.3
12 12 - 12000 12000 - 24000 2290 11.2 10.1
12 15 - 12000 15000 - 27000 2540 12.4 11.2
12 18 - 12000 18000 - 30000 2780 13.6 12.3
12 24 - 12000 24000 - 36000 3390 16.5 14.9
15 15 - 15000 15000 - 30000 2780 13.6 12.3
15 18 - 15000 18000 - 33000 3010 14.7 13.3
15 24 - 15000 24000 - 39000 3910 19.1 17.2
18 18 - 18000 18000 - 36000 3390 16.5 14.9
18 24 - 18000 24000 - 42000 4510 22.0 19.9
24 24 - 24000 24000 - 48000 5900 28.8 26.0
06 06 06 6000 6000 6000 18000 1780 8.7 7.8
06 06 09 6000 6000 9000 21000 2040 9.9 9.0
06 06 12 6000 6000 12000 24000 2290 11.2 10.1
06 06 15 6000 6000 15000 27000 2540 12.4 11.2
06 06 18 6000 6000 18000 30000 2780 13.6 12.3
06 06 24 6000 6000 24000 36000 3390 16.5 14.9
06 09 09 6000 9000 9000 24000 2290 11.2 10.1
06 09 12 6000 9000 12000 27000 2540 12.4 11.2
06 09 15 6000 9000 15000 30000 2780 13.6 12.3
06 09 18 6000 9000 18000 33000 3010 14.7 13.3
06 09 24 6000 9000 24000 39000 3910 19.1 17.2
06 12 12 6000 12000 12000 30000 2780 13.6 12.3
06 12 15 6000 12000 15000 33000 3010 14.7 13.3
06 12 18 6000 12000 18000 36000 3390 16.5 14.9
06 12 24 6000 12000 24000 42000 4510 22.0 19.9
06 15 15 6000 15000 15000 36000 3390 16.5 14.9
06 15 18 6000 15000 18000 39000 3910 19.1 17.2
06 15 24 6000 15000 24000 45000 5190 25.3 22.9
06 18 18 6000 18000 18000 42000 4510 22.0 19.9
06 18 24 6000 18000 24000 48000 5900 28.8 26.0
06 24 24 6000 24000 24000 54000 5400 26.3 23.8