
Item Contents Set value
IP Address Input the IP address to notify, The devices, which communicate on
BACnet makes a network address the
same setup.
Process Identifier The number, which discriminates a notification
Initial setting: Blank (no setting)
Range: 1 to 99999999
Notification Type Event not notifications may be specified to use
either confirmed or unconfirmed services for
notification messages.
Unconfirmed service
Confirmed service Notification setting parameter
Double-click the target Object Name. The detail-setting screen will open.
Item Contents Target object name *1
Use COV It checks, using COV notification. All
COV No Input the using COV notification number (1 to 10).
COV Increment If the range of change exceeds the [COV
increment], BACnet IF notifies BACnet
(BMS) of COV.
RoomTemp, SetTemp only
Use Intrinsic It cheks, using the intrinsic notification All
Notification Class Id Input the using NClass ID.
Event-Enable Select the target events (status change) of
The 3 kind of event (status change) is
[To-Offnormal], [To-Fault], and [To-Normal]
The check of [To-Offnormal] removes a
setup of [On/OFF (state)]
In a setup of [ON/Off (state)], the check of
[To-Offnormal] is surely removed.
Limit-Enable BACnet IF notifies BACnet (BMS) when the
value exceeds the High_Limit or Low_Limit.
Set up the value of high_limit, low_limit, and
dead band if needed.
RoomTemp, SetTemp only
Notify Type Select the notification type Alarm/Event. All
Time_Delay When there is no response from G-50A even
if delay time passes after BACnet IF sends a
message to G-50A, BACnet IF notifies to
BACnet (BMS) that message transmission
went wrong.
The value is fixed to 60 seconds.
(A setup cannot be changed.
*1 The function, which can be set up changes with target objects.