App - 26
Appendix 3.3.3 Program replacement examples
This section shows program replacement examples for the instructions of which replacement programs
are available in Appendix 3.3. (Skip this section if instructions listed in Appendix 3.3.1 are not used.)
(1) Replacement example of the IX and IXEND instructions
Since index registers are saved using the ZPUSH instruction, a 23-word index register save area is required.
(a) Example of device assignment
If the device numbers in the example above are used for other applications, assign unused device numbers
(b) Program before replacement
TableApp.28 Example of device assignment
Before replacement After replacement
Application Device Application Device
Index modification table D100 to D115 Index modification table D100 to D115
Index register save area D200 to D222
Figure App.1 Sample program
Modification target
(No change required)
The modification value set in the
index modification table is added.