
Editor Mode
Editor Mode is a text editor allowing you to edit files off line from any serial
device (such as a T-60.) This allows you to write and modify programs away
from your machine and to use more powerful editing features than BASIC
has built in. With the Editor, you can easily Cut, Copy, and Paste blocks of
text from one area or program to another. You can even cut or copy text in
the Editor and paste it into the Builder and vice versa.
To select text to cut or copy, you position the Cursor at one end of the block of
text in question. Then hold down the Shift key as you move the cursor with
the Arrow keys and Page up/Page down keys. You then select Cut or Copy
from the Edit menu. You can also use Shift-Delete or Ctrl-Insert,
respectively, to perform the same functions. You can Paste the text
anywhere you put the cursor (or over any block of text you choose) by
choosing Paste from the Edit menu or by using Shift-Insert.
When you cut or copy text from a document, it is saved in the “Clipboard.”
You can view the clipboard at any time by choosing View Clipboard from the
Edit menu. You will notice that the last block that was cut or copied is
highlighted and that many of the previous cut or copied blocks are still in the
clipboard. If you would rather paste a previously cut or copied block of text,
just highlight that block, return to your document, and paste that previously
(and now currently) chosen text. The following sub menus appear when you
select the EDITOR MENU:
CUT - Text removes the currently selected text and places it in the clipboard.
It can then be pasted into another location or file. Typing “T” while
anywhere in the Edit menu will also activate this command.
COPY - Text takes a copy of the currently selected text and places it in the
clipboard. It can then be pasted into another location or file. Typing “C”
while anywhere in the Edit menu will also activate this command.
PASTE - Text takes the currently selected text from the clipboard and pastes
it into the currently selected location in your document. Unless you explicitly
select otherwise in the clipboard, the text that is pasted will be the last block
of text cut or copied. Typing “P” while anywhere in the Edit menu will also
activate this command.
SHOW - Clipboard opens the clipboard so you can view its current contents.
You can also select text other than the most recently cut or copied text to
paste into a document just by highlighting a different section of text. Typing
“S” while anywhere in the Edit menu will also activate this command.
RENUMBER - Lines acts just like the BASIC “RENUM” command if you
have a BASIC file with a .BAS file extension loaded into the Editor. This will
be handy if you have to insert a large number of lines of code into a BASIC
program in the Editor. Typing “R” while anywhere in the Edit menu will
also activate this command.
T-60 Operator's Manual