Basic connections (continued)
Connection (for video equipment having an HDMI terminal)
Equipment having an
HDMI terminal
To HDMI terminal
HDMI (with HDMI logo) cable (option)
• UseacommerciallyavailableHDMI(withHDMIlogo)cable.
• Youdon’thavetoconnectanycableforaudioinput.YoucaninputvideoandaudiousinganHDMIcableonly.
• WhenHDMIaudioisn’toutput,itmaybeoutputbyturningoffthepowerofthevideoequipmentwiththeprojector
and the video equipment connected to each other and then turning back on the power.
• Somecablesmaynotbeconnectedcorrectlydependingonthesizeandshapeoftheirconnectors.
When you connect this projector and a Digital device (such as a DVD player) via the HDMI terminal, black
color may appear dark and deep, depending on the type of the connected device.
• Thisdependsontheblacklevelsettingoftheconnecteddevice.Therearetwokindsofmethodstodigitally
transfer image data, in which different black level settings are employed respectively. Therefore, the specifications
of the signals output from DVD players differ, depending on the type of the digital data transfer method they use.
• SomeDVDplayersareprovidedwithafunctiontoswitchthemethodstooutputdigitalsignals.WhenyourDVD
player is provided with such function, set it as follows.
• SeetheusersguideofyourDVDplayerfordetails.
• SetInputLevelinthePicturemenudependingonthedevicetobeused.