Never use your
hands to clean
snow and ice
from the chute
assembly or
auger housing.
The temperature of
muffler and the sur-
rounding areas may
exceed 150° F. Avoid
these areas
Operating Tips
• Formostefficientsnowremoval,removesnow
immediately after it falls.
• Dischargesnowdownwindwheneverpossible.Slightly
overlap each previous swath.
• Settheslideshoes1/4”belowtheshaveplatefor
normal usage. The slide shoes may be adjusted to low
position, see Figure for hard-packed snow.
NOTE: It is not recommended that you operate
this snowthrower on gravel as loose gravel can be
easily picked up and thrown by the auger causing
personal injury, property damage and/or damage to your
• Ifforsomereason,youhavetooperatethe
snowthrower on gravel, keep the slide shoe in the
highest position for maximum clearance between the
ground and the shave plate.
• Becertaintofollowtheprecautionslistedunder“To
Stop Engine” to prevent possible freeze-up.
• Cleanthesnowthrowerthoroughlyaftereachuse.
Clean-Out Tool
WARNING: Never use your hands to
clear a clogged chute assembly. Shut
off engine and remain behind handles
until all moving parts have stopped
before unclogging.
• Releaseboththeaugercontrolandthedrive/auger
control lock.
• Stoptheengine.
• Removetheclean-outtoolfromthemountingclip.
• Usetheshovel-shapedendoftheclean-outtoolto
remove any snow and ice in the chute assembly.
• Re-fastentheclean-outtooltothemountingclipon
the rear of the auger housing and restart engine.
• Whilestandingintheoperator’sposition(behindthe
snow thrower), engage the auger control for a few
seconds to clear any remaining snow or ice from the
chute assembly before continuing to clear snow.