Chapter 4: Configuring your VOIP
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 63
“Regional Parameter” Definitions
Field Name
alues Description
Country/Region USA,
Name of a country or region that uses a certain set of tone pairs for dial tone, ring
tone, busy tone, unobtainable tone (fast busy tone), survivability tone (tone
heard briefly, 2 seconds, after going off hook denoting survivable mode of VOIP
unit), re-order tone (a tone pattern indicating the need for the user to hang up the
phone), and intercept tone (a tone that warns an a party that has gone off hook but
has not begun dialing, within a prescribed time, that an automatic emergency or
attendant number will be called; the automatic call can be used to direct an
attendant’s attention to a disabled or distressed caller, allowing an appropriate
response to be made).
In some cases, the tone-pair scheme denoted by a country name may also be used
outside of that country. The “Custom” option (button) assures that any tone-pairing
scheme worldwide can be accommodated.
Note 1:
Intercept tone is applicable only when the FXS telephony interface has
been chosen in the Interface screen and when the AutoCall / OffHook Alert field is
set to OffHook Alert in the Voice/Fax Parameters screen. The time allowed for
dialing before the automatic calling process begins is set in the OffHook Alert Timer
field of the Voice/Fax Parameters screen.
Note 2: “Survivability” tone indicates a special type of call-routing redundancy &
applies to MultiVantage VOIP units only
Advisory screen This message screen appears whenever the
Country field is changed. It informs the operator
that, upon change of the Country field value, all
User Defined Tones will be deleted.
Standard Tones fields
Type column dial tone,
ring tone,
busy tone,
unobtainable tone
(fast busy),
survivability tone,
re-order tone
Type of telephony tone-pair for which frequency, gain, and cadence are
being presented.
Frequency 1 freq. in Hertz Lower frequency of pair.
Frequency 2 freq. in Hertz Higher frequency of pair.
Gain 1 gain in dB
+3dB to –31dB
and “mute” setting
Amplification factor of lower frequency of pair.
This applies to the dial, ring, busy and ‘unobtainable’ tones that the
MultiVOIP outputs as audio to the FXS, FXS, or E&M port.
Default: -16dB
Gain 2 gain in dB
+3dB to –31dB
and “mute” setting
Amplification factor of higher frequency of pair.
This applies to the dial, ring, busy, and ‘unobtainable’ (fast busy) tones
that the MultiVOIP outputs as audio to the FXS, FXO, or E&M port.
Default: -16dB
(ms) On/Off
four integer time
values in
milliseconds; zero
value for dial-tone
indicates continuous
On/off pattern of tone durations used to denote phone ringing, phone
busy, connection unobtainable (fast busy), dial tone (“0” indicates
continuous tone), survivability, and re-order. Default values differ for
different countries/regions. Although most cadences have only two parts
(an “on” duration and an “off” duration), some telephony cadences have
four parts. Most cadences, then, are expressed as two iterations of a
two-part sequence. Although this is redundant, it is necessary to allow
for expression of 4-part cadences.
Custom (button) --
Click on the “Custom” button to bring up the Custom Tone Pair
Settings screen. (The “Custom” button is active only when “Custom” is
selected in the Country/Region field.) This screen allows the user to
specify tone pair attributes that are not found in any of the standard
national/regional telephony toning schemes.
Table is continued on next page…