A. The Automatic Engine Controller, Model A88 and
A88-F is designed to automatically start, monitor and stop
electric start engines. The A88 comes in an all-weather
case with a 5 foot cable and a plug for connection. The
A88-F is the same system, but housed in a panel-mount
case with terminals on back for connecting.
B. Features
1. Has a self-contained Auto-Off-Test Switch.
2. Rest and crank time selected by a single switch.
3. Adjustable crank disconnect speed switch.
4. Close a switch to run; open to stop feature.
5. Engine starts and runs when a contact closes and
stops when a separate set of contacts close.
6. Goes into a rest period in the event of a false start.
7. Alarm before start to alert personnel.
8. Crank disconnect circuitry accepts the following inputs:
a. breaker or electronic type ignition
b. magnetic pickup
c. alternator tach
d. flywheel alternator
e. mechanical switch
9. Has a built-in one minute time delay for customer use.
10. Five fixed crank attempts before shutdown.
A. Power Requirements:
1. Voltage 8-30 VDC, negative ground.
2. Current @ 12 volts less load current.
a. standby 10 ma
b. crank 140 ma
c. shutdown 32 ma
3. Maximum fuse size, 4 amp, slow blow.
B. Input Requirements:
1. Start-stop control switch
a. SPST N.O. dry contact; close to run, open to stop
b. SPDT dry contact
c. Two SPST N.O. dry contacts; one, momentary
close to run; one momentary close to stop
2. Magnetic pickup or alternator tach requirements:
a. voltage 2 volts, rms minimum
b. 25 to 2000 hz crank disconnect
c. maximum 100 volts Pk Pk
C. Output Ratings: Source = switch to battery
Sink = switch to ground
1. Ignition or run relay; SPDT dry relay contacts
rated 10 amp @ 30 VDC resistive, 6 amp @ 30
VDC inductive.
2. Crank output
a. transistor 1 amp source
b. transistor 1 amp sink
3. Choke
a. transistor 1 amp sink
4. Time delay
a. transistor 1 amp sink
5. Summary
a. transistor 1/2 amp sink
11. An output to indicate that the engine is running
to be used as remote indication or in warm up
12. Has a summary of shutdown output.
13. Monitors the following engine functions and will
shut the engine down in event of a failure:
a. Overcrank
b. Oil Pressure
c. Engine Temperature
d. Spare
14. Has 30 second lockout feature for start up.
15. Output for choke actuator.