5. Connecting the Audio Output
TheEncoreDUETreceiverprovidesbothaxedmiclevelBALANCED AUDIO OUTPUT
XLR (14)foreachchannelandanadjustablelinelevelA + B UNBALANCED AUDIO
OUTPUT 1/4" JACK (13) whichprovidesamixed(summed)ChAplusChBoutput
signal.ThemixedlevelfromtheA + B UNBALANCED OUTPUT is controlled by the rear
panel VOLUME CONTROLS (6) for each channel.
(Note: As when making any connection, make sure the amplifier or mixing board
volume is at the minimum level before plugging in the receiver to avoid possible
sound system damage. Also make sure that the phantom power on the input of the
mixer is turned OFF before making connection to the receiver.)
a. Instrument Connection(usingtheWGTinstrumenttransmitter)
Insertanaudiocordwitha1/4"monophoneplugintheA + B
UNBALANCED OUTPUT JACK (13) on the rear panel of the receiver. Plug the
appropriate VOLUME CONTROL (6) for the channel being used on the Encore
comfortable for your application. This setting is roughly equivalent to a direct
4dB gain over a cord. (Note: Since this a mixed output of Ch A & Ch B, both
channels with be processed simultaneously by the amplifier and/or effects
connected to, which may not be appropriate for your application.
b. Microphone Connection(usingtheWLTtransmitterwitheitheraheadset
For microphone use, either the BALANCED MIC AUDIO OUTPUT XLRs (14) or the
1/4" line level A + B UNBALANCED OUTPUT (13)canbeused.TheXLRoutput
PluganXLRconnectorintoeitherorbothoftheXLR OUTPUT JACKS on the
(Note: Make sure the phantom power on your mixing board is turned off
and the volume is turned down when making connections.)
arenotadjustablewiththereceivervolumecontrols.Tousethe1/4" A + B
UNBALANCED OUTPUT JACK (13), follow the instructions for the Instrument
Ch B volume level is optimal. If the volume controls are set too high, you