
© National Instruments Corporation G-5 NI 4050 User Manual
harmonics multiples of the fundamental frequency of a signal
half-power bandwidth the frequency range over which a circuit maintains a level of at least –3 dB
with respect to the maximum level
hardware the physical components of a computer system, such as the circuit boards,
plug-in boards, chassis, enclosures, peripherals, cables, and so on
Hz hertz—per second, as in cycles per second or samples per second
excitation current
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
in. inches
inductance the relationship of induced voltage to current
input bias current the current that flows into the inputs of a circuit
input impedance the measured resistance and capacitance between the input terminals of a
Installation Category
(Overvoltage Category)
classification system for expected transients on electrical supply
instrument driver a set of high-level software functions that controls a specific plug-in DAQ
board. Instrument drivers are available in several forms, ranging from a
function callable language to a virtual instrument (VI) in LabVIEW.
interrupt a computer signal indicating that the CPU should suspend its current task
to service a designated activity
interrupt level the relative priority at which a device can interrupt
I/O input/output—the transfer of data to/from a computer system involving
communications channels, operator interface devices, and/or data
acquisition and control interfaces