
Appendix D Troubleshooting and Common Questions
© National Instruments Corporation D-19 Serial Hardware and Software for Windows
The serial configuration utility niports contains configuration information
for serial hardware it is aware of that is installed in your system.
To start the configuration utility, select Start»Settings»Control Panel,
and double-click on the niports icon.
If serial ports are missing from this list, make sure you selected resources
for your PCMCIA card as described in the Select Resources for the
PCMCIA Card section in Chapter 4, PCMCIA Serial Hardware
Installation, Verification, and Configuration.
Resolving Resource Conflicts
Resource conflicts occur when your system contains hardware that is
configured to use the same resources as your serial interface. The serial
driver detects some resource conflicts when it loads. When the driver
detects conflicts as it loads, it records an error message describing the
To resolve a resource conflict, complete the following steps:
1. Select Start»Programs»Administrative Tools»Event Viewer to run
the Event Viewer and determine which resource is in conflict.
2. Change the resources of the device that caused the conflict.
To help you select conflict-free resources, you can use the
Windows NT Diagnostics utility. This utility displays a list of the
I/O port addresses, interrupt levels, and DMA channels that your
system is currently using. You can assign resources that are not listed
by this utility to your device.
To run the Windows NT Diagnostics utility, select
Start»Programs»Administrative Tools»Windows NT Diagnostics.