
NAVMAN iCN 620 user manual
GPS Reception
The ICN 620 relies on the reception of signals transmitted by the Global Positioning System satellites orbiting the earth.
This display shows a visual representation of how many satellites the iCN 620 unit is receiving information from.
Latitude and longitude are displayed along with a North-pointing compass, the heading in degrees and ground speed.
You can view the Latitude/Longitude values either in degrees, minutes and seconds, or in decimal. Refer to Section 12
Modifying the Settings  GPS Settings for more information.
The 12 satellites that could be viewed from your current position are shown as segments.
The satellites are represented as follows:
 A yellow segment indicates a satellite that is being tracked but is not being used to determine your position.
 A red segment indicates a satellite that is being used to determine a two dimensional (2D)  x.
 A green segment indicates a satellite that is used to determine your position.
The circle underneath the segment display is green when there is a valid  x (2D or 3D), and red when there is no  x
available. While a 2D  x is suf cient to maintain a valid  x, a 3D  x is more accurate.
Latitude and longitude of
current position.
Each segment represents a
Select ESC or press ESC
to return to the previous
Current heading
in degrees and
ground speed
A green circle means
the unit has a valid  x
Local time
Select Page Fwd or press
to view the next GPS status
screen of settings.