Engineered to save on fuel: Turbo compound engine
New Holland recognises the benefits of the Turbo Compound technology
and is the first brand to apply it in agricultural equipment. By using the
energy that is left in the exhaust gases leaving the turbo charger, this
state of the art technology reduces the fuel consumption by up to 8%
with the same engine power. On a high hp engine this means a saving
of many litres of fuel. The Turbo compound technology transmits
the power directly to the engine crankshaft via a hydrodynamic coupling.
It is applied on the FPT Cursor engine of the Model FR9060.
20% less fuel on the road
Tests have revealed that in road traffic, a fuel saving of 20% is achieved,
with the application of the Power Cruise™ II driving system. The engine
rpm drops automatically to the lowest possible value, with a minimum
of 1400rpm, without losing forward speed. On top of the important fuel
and money saving, the lower engine speed results in a much quieter
and more comfortable drive.
Variflow™ system strongly reduces fuel consumption in grass crops
Reducing the distance between cutterhead and blower by 60% when
working in grass, dramatically decreases the power requirement for
the blower. Unlike fixed blower concepts, the Variflow™ system maintains
the speed of the material, as it is transferred from cutterhead to blower:
there is virtually no requirement for re-acceleration of chopped material.
Tests have shown that the variable position blower reduces the power
requirement with around 30kW[40hp(CV)] when working in grass crops.
Low power requirement for chopping: efficient chopping concept
The largest cutterhead in the industry runs smoothly thanks to its wide
cutting line. Spreading the crop over a wider intake reduces the layer
thickness and the power requirement for the cutting action.
Inertia of 600kg optimises the use of energy input
The inertia of the heavy cutterhead enhances the flywheel effect to compensate
for sudden peak loads. This results in a continuous chopping action and
an even engine pace and optimum fuel efficiency. A time saving characteristic
of the cutterhead is that its closed construction provides immediate emptying
of chopped material. No need to wait: the flow stops after 1 or 2 seconds.