Superior Media - New Holland filters are designed
to trap more of the small contaminants that are most
damaging to diesel engines. The media is uniformly
resin-impregnated and heat-cured to provide efficient
filtration, while resisting the effects of moisture. The
media used in many of our newer filters combines
microglass and cellulose fibers for doubled
efficiency over standard filters.
Plastisol Adhesive - New Holland filters use
plastisol, a high quality adhesive, to uniformly bond
the filter element to the end caps. Plastisol adhesive
keeps the filter media from bunching and rupturing.
Rubber Seals - Many filter manufacturers use
cardboard seals at the ends of the filters; cardboard
seals can deteriorate or leak. New Holland filters
use a thin piece of rubber which provides a tight,
even seal at the base of the filter. It prevents
unfiltered oil from bypassing the filter media and
re-entering your system.
Metal End Caps - Solid metal end caps provide
additional strength to the filter element. Metal is
superior to the cardboard that many
manufacturers use.
OEM Specified - New Holland
filters meet all specifications
demanded by our design
engineers. When you buy a
New Holland filter, you’re
buying the confidence that
New Holland engineers have
placed in the filter to protect
your engine, and save you
repair costs.
2-stage filtration design
Lube Filtration Systems
To meet the performance demands of today’s tough
off-road environments, your equipment is generating
more usable horsepower than ever before. Tighter
tolerances, higher temperatures, and severe duty cycles
are driving the requirement for high quality filtration
and increased durability without sacrificing filter life.
Today’s low-emission engine designs make engine
filtration extremely critical, especially particles in the
5-10 micron range, which are most damaging to
modern engines.
While the costs for repairing equipment breakdowns
are normally high, they are often miniscule compared
to those associated with delayed harvests or missed
project completion deadlines. Don’t jeopardize
productivity by using “will-fit” filtration. New Holland
lube filters are designed specifically for your
equipment. They’re guaranteed to ensure peak
performance while providing maximum protection for
your investment.
Custom-designed filtration media
Stacked Disk
Optimized filtration performance in
capacity (life), efficiency
(cleanliness), and restriction to flow
Minimizes progressive wear
Reduces bearing and ring wear
Removes sludge
Filters oil sooner during cold starts
Patented combination full-
flow/bypass filtration products
Guaranteed to meet OEM