Press for a long time, select record mode, then press to confirm. Press to start/pause recording in
the same file. Press and hold to save file and make the eady to record anothe ress player r r file. P to save file
and return to main menu. Listen t corded files, enter “Music” mode, and choose files saved in “Voice” folde
o the re r.
In explore mode, you
for a long time, select “Explore” mode, then press to confirm.
ers and files stored in the player.
the file you would te, then press
z Navigate all the fold
z Choose any format of file to play.
z Delete file. Move the highlight to like to dele . A warning banner pops out
asking you whether to delete the file. The default selection is “No”. Press / to choose from “Yes” or “No”,
to confirm.
gh-speed USB 2.0 port, and is a standard USB device. It supports the Windows Operating Systems from
The player has a hi
Windows 2000 & above. No driver installation is required.