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Using Software
Using Software
Face Raiders Activity Log
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For more detailed information, tap Manual on the HOME Menu. For more detailed information, tap Manual on the HOME Menu.
Activity Log
Face Raiders
You can start Face Raiders from the HOME Menu. Face Raiders puts your face and your friends’
faces in the game! You will need to take at least one face photo to play. See page 48 for more
information on taking photos.
IMPORTANT: In Face Raiders, you will move around with the system and aim at the targets. Make sure you have enough room to
move around freely, and hold the system rmly with both hands while playing.
Face Raiders is a target shooting game where you put your face and your friends’ faces on a set of mov-
ing targets. Start a game by taking a photo of your face. Move the system to nd the targets!
When you complete a game you can save the face photo. Collect faces to open more stages. Try taking photos of your friends
and family members’ faces also.
The Activity Log can be started from the HOME Menu. This software allows you
to keep track of the number of steps you have taken when you take the system with you. It also
records your play time on software titles.
NOTE: Steps are counted when the system is on and closed.
Select to view the number of steps you have taken when carrying
the system with you and the number of hours you have played
Select to view a list of the software titles you have played, the
number of times you have played them, and your play times for
each title.
Daily records Software library