ress any button on the console or begin
pedaling to turn on the console.
Make sure that the power cord is properly
plugged in (see page 9). To activate the con-
ole, press any button or begin pedaling. After a
few seconds, the displays will light. A tone will
then sound and the console will be ready for use.
Select the manual mode.
If you have selected
a program or the
iFIT.com mode, rese-
lect the manual mode
by pressing the iFIT
button once or twice
until a track appears
in the matrix but the letters “iFIT” do not appear.
Change the resistance of the pedals and the
angle of the ramp as desired.
As you pedal,
change the resis-
tance of the pedals
by pressing the 1
Step Resistance but-
tons. Note: After the
buttons are pressed,
it will take a moment for the pedals to reach the
selected resistance level.
To vary the feel of
your exercise,
increase or decrease
the angle of the
ramp by pressing the
1 Step
amp but-
tons. There are five
ramp angles. Note: After the buttons are pressed,
it will take a moment for the ramp to reach the
selected angle.
Monitor your progress with the matrix, the
Training Zones bar, and the displays.
The matrix
the manual mode or
the iFIT.com mode is
selected, the matrix
will show a track rep-
resenting 1/4 mile. As
you exercise, the indicators around the track will
light in succession until the entire track is lit. The
rack will then darken and the indicators will again
begin to light in succession.
The Training Zones
bar—The Training
Zones bar will show
the approximate inten-
sity level of your exer-
The upper display—
The upper display will
show the approximate
number of grams of
carbs you have
burned, the approxi-
mate number of calo-
ries you have burned, the distance you have ped-
aled, and the elapsed time. The display will
change from one number to the next every few
seconds. Note: When a program is selected, the
display will show the time remaining in the pro-
gram instead of the elapsed time.
To see the total distance pedaled since the ellipti-
cal exerciser was purchased, press the Odometer
button twice; the words “Total Dist.” and the total
number of miles will appear in the display. To
again see the distance that you have pedaled
during your workout, press the Odometer button
The lower display—
The lower display will
show your pedaling
pace, in revolutions
per minute (RPM),
your pedaling speed,
and the resistance
level of the pedals. The display will change from
one number to the next every few seconds
display will also show your heart rate when you
use the handgrip pulse sensor.